Welcome to the booking system for the APAGBI Link-Network Paediatric Anaesthesia Online Meeting
Wednesday 22nd November 2023 1.45 - 5pm RCoA 3CPD points applied for
Programme topics:
• NEW! Human Factors in Paediatric Anaesthesia
• Training in Paediatric Anaesthesia under the New Curriculum
• State of Play of Paediatric Anaesthesia in 2023 - Link-survey results
• Update on New National Clinical Pathways
This meeting is for everyone with an interest in paediatric anaesthesia: trainees and consultant/SAS doctors alike.
Note that generous discounts are available for APAGBI Members so join nowAPAGBI Membership
The minimum browser settings for this system are: Internet Explorer version 9 and above, or the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Please note that all Fees are payable at the time of booking, by card, and CANNOT be invoiced
Registration administration provided by Index Communications Meeting Services