We are delighted that you will be joining us for the Growth Capital Forum 2022 on Wednesday 23 February 2022 at Ivy Sunroom, Sydney.
To register for Growth Capital Forum 2022, please click 'New Registration' and follow the prompts. If you have already registered and would like to update any of your details, please click 'Modify Registration' and follow the prompts.
Wednesday 23 February 2022
9:00am - 5:00pm
Ivy Sunroom
330 George Street, Sydney
$450 per ticket
Please note: If payment by credit card is not possible, please email us at accounts@teamslatts.com.au to request an alternate payment before proceeding.
Growth Capital Forum 2022 will be a fully vaccinated space for the safety and comfort of all involved. Please note that you will require a vaccination certificate to attend the event.
Need help with your booking or just don't want to go through an online form? Call our friendly staff on 03 9663 3093 or shoot us an email on team@growthcapitalforum.com.au and we'll be happy to organise your booking for you.