AGC’s Two Part Webinar Series: Building Contractors - Preparing yourself and your jobsites for the Impacts of COVID-19
Part 1: Monday May 11, 2020 - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Part 2: Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Member Price: FREE| Non Member Price: $149
During this two-part webinar series we’ll be covering various topics and answering questions in regards to the life cycle of a project while operating through COVID-19.
Part One: Determining Project Viability and Keeping a Jobsite open amid COVID-19
Monday, May 11, 2020
First and foremost, we’ll discuss the terms of the state, county, and local executive orders, which govern whether you can continue/start, your project in a particular jurisdiction and help you interpret the terms of those orders. Significant and costly issues may arise from a difference in interpretation of these orders. In some locales, there are multiple legitimate interpretations of the less than precise wording of the orders. However, in the last six (6) weeks, AGC members located in jurisdictions with fairly clear and concisely drafted orders have experienced Owners using self-beneficial interpretation of orders to hold contractors responsible for delays. We will discuss what needs to be done to help avoid this problem and what to do if this happens to you.
Additionally, as state and local governments begin to modify and extend their existing executive order, many are changing the definitions and terms of Essential Services and/or Essential Activities. We will discuss the issues that may arise if contractors fail to immediately review and interpret extensions and corresponding modifications of these executive orders. We will discuss what entering phase 1 of reopening states means for your jobsites.
Following a discussion on determining whether a project will continue we’ll discuss what you need to know to keep a project up and running.
We will cover the following topics:
Are you in compliance with guidelines/mandates instituted by various states, agencies, locals, and contracting parties?
Are you carrying them out in an appropriate manner so as not to violate worker’s rights?
Safety of contractors on the jobsite.
Communicating safety practices on the jobsite so subs show up to work.
Perceived public safety of the community. Does the community feel safe with you continuing work?
What needs to be done when someone does test positive on the site – you want to have protocol in place before someone test positive.
Part Two: Reopening Projects Previously Shutdown Thursday, May 14, 2020
During this second webinar we’ll discuss what will need to be done to reopen a jobsite after it’s been shut-down and where to go from there.
How does it affect security of projects that had previously started?
How it is scheduling affected?
Determining an Owner’s Financial Viability Post-COVID-19.