Previous event presentations:
AI/ML Roadmap and Technical Exchange | November 14-15, 2024
Day 1 – Verification and Validation of Learned AI software systems, and examination of FAA technical concepts through community use cases
Morning Session Title: ML Items as Engineering Products: Using Engineering Principles to Design and Assure ML Items in Aviation Presenter: Dr. Natasha Neogi, NASA LARC
Title: Safety Concerns Presenters: Mr. Andy Anderegg and Mr. Norm Fenlason, The MITRE Corporation
Title: V&V of an ANN Model Developed through ML Presenter: Dr. Trung Pham, FAA
Title: FAA Policy – Technical Thoughts Presenter: Mr. Joseph Pastore, FAA
Afternoon Session Title: Towards Certification of Vision-Based Navigation Assist Presenter: Dr. Srivatsan Varadarajan, Honeywell
Title: SAE G-34 AND EUROCAE WG-114 Joint Use Case Initiative with FAA Presenters: Mr. Konstantin Dimitriev and Dr. Ganesh Pai, SAE G34
Title: Component-Level V&V of Deep Neural Networks Case Study Presenter: Mr. Rory Lipkis, NASA Ames
Title: AI/ML Requirements Example: Innovation is an Expectation Presenter: Mr. Kyle Ford, Collins Aerospace
Day 2 – Understanding FAA’s research projects and an alternative MoC through the concept of Overarching Properties; Understanding how the FAA community is currently leveraging AI/ML to improve aviation safety through case studies
Morning Session Title: AI/ML Roadmap and Technical Exchange Timeline and Recap Presenter: Mr. Avinash Pinto, The MITRE Corporation
Title: FAA AI Assurance Roadmap – Information Exchange Software Digital Systems Research Presenter: Dr. Srini Mandalapu, FAA
Title: Some Reminders about OPs, Arguments, and OPRAs Presenter: Mr. Michael Holloway, NASA LARC
Title: Assurance of AI/ML-Based Aerospace Systems Using Overarching Properties Presenter: Dr. Saswata Paul, GE Aviation
Title: Working with the Overarching Properties: An Orientation for Practitioners Presenter: Dr. Kim Wasson, Joby Aviation
Afternoon Session Title: Using AI to Enhance Safety Presenters: Dr. Anahita Imanian & Dr. Eugene Mangortey, The MITRE Corporation
Title: Merging Data Sources (Accident Reports) through Large Language Models (LLMs) Presenter: Mr. Tom Tessitore, FAA
Title: Data Mining (Unsupervised Learning) in the Context of Analyzing Accident Reports Presenter: Dr. Trung Pham, FAA
AI/ML Roadmap and Technical Exchange | July 24-25, 2024
Day 1 - AI Roadmap and Machine Learning in the context of modeling
Title: Artificial Intelligence Safety Assurance Presenter: Bruce DeCleene, FAA
Title: Safety Concerns Presenter: Dr. Michelle Harper, The MITRE Corporation
Title: Current Roadmap for AI Safety Assurance Presenter: Dr. Natasha Neogi, NASA-LRC
Title: Design Approval Concepts Presenter: Dr. Kim Wasson, Joby
Title: Technical Policy Development: Airborne Electronic Hardware Presenter: Mike Vukas, FAA
Day 1 - AI Requirements, Machine Learning
Title: Assurance of ML based systems: Based on a Requirements process Presenter: George Romanski, FAA
Title: ML in the Context of Modeling Presenter: Dr. Trung Pham, FAA
Title: Collins Aerospace AI/ML MVP Example Presenter: Kyle Ford, Collins Aerospace
Title: Technical Considerations for Machine Learning Product Approval Presenter: Joseph Pastore, FAA
Title: Working with the FAA Presenter: Dr. Trung Pham, FAA
Day 2 - Certification and ACAS-X
Title: SAE G-34 and FAA initiative non-binding proposal Presenters: Gary Brown and Fateh Kaakai, SAE G34
Title: ACAS X Design and Certification Approach Presenters: Randal Guendel, MIT LL; Walter Bender, JHU APL
Day 2 - AI for Safety
Title: AI/ML for Safety Opportunities Presenters: Nadya Huleatt and Andy Anderegg, The MITRE Corporation
Title: Stress-Testing Autonomous Systems with Reinforcement Learning Presenter: Rory Lipkis, NASA-LRC
Title: Fostering a Data-Driven Culture Presenter: Mark Roboff, SAE G34
Title: Safety Event Aggregator Service (SEAS) Concept Overview Presenter: Alan Durston, Saab-Sensis for FAA
Title: AI for Safety: Participant Input Presenter: Avinash Pinto, The MITRE Corporation
AI Roadmap and Technical Exchange Meeting on AI/ML | March 5-7, 2024
Day 1 - Overview
Title: Preparation of Roadmap for AI Safety Assurance Presenter: Dr. Trung T. Pham, FAA
Title: FAA AI/ML Roadmap Summary Presenter: Avinash Pinto, The MITRE Corporation
Title: Current Roadmap for AI Safety Assurance Presenter: Dr. Trung T. Pham, FAA
Day 1 - Plan of Action and Engagement Strategy; Certification; Standards; Platforms
Title: Technical Policy Development AI/Machine Learning Presenter: Brenda Ocker, FAA
Title: AI and Machine Learning Policy Development Presenter: Joseph Pastore, FAA
Title: Experience in Applying for Certification Machine Learning Software Components Presenters: Earl Lawrence and Jean-Guillaume Durand, Xwing
Title: FAA Issue Paper Approval Process: Experience Report Presenter: Scott Nagel, Collins Aerospace
Title: Future Use of AI in Automation at the Operational Level Presenter: Uma Ferrell, The MITRE Corporation
Title: Test and Evaluation of AI Enabled Capabilities Presenter: Jonathan Elliot, DOD
Day 2: Safety Concerns
Title: Safety Concerns Briefing and Moderated Discussion Presenter: Dr. Michelle Harper, The MITRE Corporation
Title: Considerations for Developing and Assuring AI/ML Components in Aviation Systems Presenter: Dr. Natasha Neogi, NASA Langley Research Center
Title: More on the Missing Links (…a sequel to Safety Concerns Regarding AI on Aircraft) Presenter: Dr. Kim Wasson, Joby Aviation
Day 2 - Future State of AI in the Aircraft
Title: Using Machine Learning in Safety-Critical Systems: Regulator and Technologist Perspectives Presenter: Wes Ryan, Northrop Grumman
Title: Two Open-Source AI Use Cases in Aviation Autonomy and Their Verification Paths Presenter: Dr. Peng Wei, George Washington University
Title: A Perspective on Remotely Piloted Operations Presenter: Brandon Suarez, Reliable Robotics
Title: Automation Safety Considerations in UAS Operations Presenter: Katie Constant-Coup, FAA
Day 3 - AI Technology/Tools for Safety Enhancement
Title: Updates on using LLM to data mine aviation safety reports Presenters: Dan Pearce, ISA Software; Dereck Wilson FAA
Title: Risk Assessment of Large Language Models for Applications in the Aviation Domain Presenters: Dr. Eugene Mangortey and Dr. Ben Wellner, The MITRE Corporation
FAA Technical Exchange Meeting on AI/ML: Safety Concerns | January 24, 2024
Title: AI Safety Assessment Presenter: Gary Brown, Airbus
Title: Developing AI/ML Components (and their Standards) for Civil Aviation: Challenges and Barriers Presenter: Dr. Natasha Neogi, NASA-LRC
Title: Aircraft Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Assurance Approach Presenter: Norm Fenlason, The MITRE Corporation
Title: Safety Concerns Regarding AI on Aircraft Presenter: Dr. Kim Wasson, Joby
Title: Safety Concerns For Airborne Use Of AI/ML Functions Presenter: Dr. Darren Cofer, Collins Aerospace
Title: What Are the Safety Concerns When an AI Component is Put Into an Aircraft? Presenter: Dr. Jean Guillaume Durant, XWing
Title: AI Assurance and Challenges Presenter: Dr. Huafeng Yu, DoT
FAA Artificial Intelligence Roadmap Review and Technical Exchange Meeting | September 19-20, 2023
Title: AI Assurance Roadmap and Technical Session – Agenda and Day 1 Moderated Discussion Presenters: Avinash Pinto, Dr. Michelle Harper, Andy Anderegg, The MITRE Corporation
Title: Certification Use Reliance (CURe) for AI ML integration at Aircraft Level Presenter: Gary Brown, Airbus Commercial
Title: Questions in Preparation for Certification Presenter: Matt Jahn, Boeing
Title: Formal Methods for Learning Assurance Presenters: Dr. Darren Cofer / Dmitrii Kirov, Collins Aerospace
Title: Non Prescriptive Certification for ML Systems Presenter: George Romanski, FAA
Title: ACAS X Validation Strategy Presenter: Luis Alvarez, MIT Lincoln Labs
Title: Interaction with SAE G34/EUROCAE WG-114 Presenter: Mark Roboff, SAE G34/EUROCAE WG—114
Title: Beyond AI/ML Verification: a Runtime Assurance Framework Presenter: Dr. Huafeng Yu, US DOT
Title: Probabilistic Safety Validation for Black Box System Presenter: Dr. Jean-Guillaume Durand, XWing
For technical/logistics assistance, please contact the AI/ML Roadmap and Technical Exchange team at