The 2nd WCO Global Origin Conference
The WCO, with the funding of Korea Customs Service, will host the second WCO Global Origin Conference from 10 to 12 March 2021, in a virtual format. Current global economic policy uncertainty, polarization and rising protectionism undermine the trust in international trade as an engine for economic growth and security in our societies. In the meantime, Regional Trade Agreements remain a driving force of the global supply chain, promoting economic integration among partners. The adoption of clear, simple, coherent and predictable procedures around rules of origin, such as origin certification, will benefit regional integration by promoting the export of originating products while ensuring a correct application of preferential and non-preferential treatments upon importation. The conference will be a unique opportunity to expand your understanding on origin, have your say on the future of rules of origin and to strengthen and establish new ties with different stakeholders, namely the International governmental Organization, the private sector and academia. Among the issues to be addressed are: • What is the impact of non-preferential rules of origin in today’s trading environment? • What are the current challenges in regional integration and how is this affecting the global economy? • What are the latest developments for Regional Integration around the world, and what is the role of rules of origin under these FTAs as well as its impacts? • How can the update of the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) and other WCO origin tools influence and support the implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement and Free Trade Agreements? • What are the future prospects of preferential rules of origin and how to expand global opportunities under the Free Trade Agreements, including for Least developed Countries? Join us at the global online forum on rules of origin and interact with the world’s leading origin experts from international organizations, governments, business and academia. The Conference will be conducted in English, French and Spanish. As the predecessors of the Conference have generated considerable interest, early registration is recommended. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the WCO Origin Sub-Directorate at We look forward to virtually welcoming you. |