Youth Member - Youth Member Application
Youth (ages 12 - 17) in each district are invited to attend Annual Conference. This experience will give insight into the United Methodist Church and how to communicate effectively as a member of Annual Conference. Youth must complete and submit an application no later than April 30, 2021. Youth who are accepted will then have to register online and submit a $15.00 registration fee. The $60.00 difference will be covered by the Conference Board of Laity. All youth will be voting members of the Annual Conference. You will be an active participant in all plenary sessions, discussing and voting on all matters.
For more information, please contact Sue D'Alessio at
Young Adult Member
Young Adults (ages 18 - 30) from each district are invited to attend Annual Conference. If you are an elected member of Annual Conference from your congregation, please register through the main registration page. If you are not elected by your church and are interested in attending, for approval, contact Sue D'Alessio, Director of Connection Ministries at no later then April 30, 2021. Once approved, you will be given directions on how to register. Your total expenses for the event will be $15.00, payable when you register. The $60.00 difference will be covered by the Conference Board of Laity. Young Adults will be voting members of the Annual Conference. You will be an active participant in all plenary sessions, discussing and voting on all matters.