School For Ministry 2019

Diana Butler Bass will be at Green Lake Conference Center

 October 2 - 4, 2019    

Diana Butler Bass, PhD
But I Don't Feel Grateful!
The Spiritual Practice We Need Now
When things aren't going as we expected in our personal lives, in our churches, or in our politics, gratitude often goes out the window. As we all know, it is easy to be grateful when times are good.
But both science and theology insist that "in all things," thank should be our posture. Indeed, medical and social science agree that gratitude is good for us and grateful people are more resilient than those who do not practice giving thanks. If that is true for individuals, might it also be true for congregations and communities? Could gratitude be one of the paths through these difficult days of division and loss of direction?
While gratitude certainly isn't magic, it is helpful. And through these lectures and conversations, Diana Butler Bass takes us on a learning journey to see our lives, leadership, and future through the spiritual lens of gratefulness.
READ: Grateful: The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks
(note: this is the paperback title; the hardback has the title: Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks)

1 CEU for Attendance

  Your attendance, participation at the School for Ministry retreat and the completion of the evaluation form are requested to earn 1.0 CEU. Upon receipt of your evaluation, you will have earned 1 CEU. Please note, no certificate will be sent unless specifically requested via email to Kristy Yang at
.5 CEU for reading the book & completing a report
For an additional .5 CEU, please take a moment to reflect on Diana Butler Bass’ book, Grateful: The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks (softcover) or Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks (hardcover). Briefly reflect on three points which Bass makes in her book that will impact your ministry. Please email book reflections (limit to one page) for review to Eric Taylor at by Oct. 23, 2019 for your additional .5 CEU.

All clergy leaders in the Wisconsin conference are expected to attend for learning and sharing.

We welcome and encourage retired clergy to join us.

(Please click "New Registration" button in the upper right-had corner.)
Event Details
School For Ministry 2019
10/02 - 10/04/2019
W2511 WI-23
Green Lake, WI