Poster Viewing and Extended Lunch Break |
The poster session will be held Tuesday from 13:15–15:00 in the Alpine Foyer and includes lunch. Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference from Monday to Friday.
Dedicated to the memory of:
Prof. J. S. G. (Jack) Kirkaldy
M.A. Sc. (British Columbia), Ph.D. (McGill), D.Sc. (McMaster). D.Sc.(Waterloo), D.Sc.
(Queen's) F.R.S.C., F.A.S.M., P.Eng.

Prof. Kirkaldy was one of Canada's most honored faculty members in the field of phase
transformations; During a career spanning more than 40 years, he published more than
250 peer-reviewed academic papers and was recognized by numerous lectureships,
medals and other awards, including three honorary doctorates. He was elected a Fellow
of the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Canadian
Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, the American Society for
Metals, and TMS, the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. He was an honorary
member of the Societé Francais de Métallurgie et de Materiaux. He has been aptly
described as "a national treasure."
(From: McMaster Univeristy, Obituary April 22, 2013)
You can view the time and date of you poster by clicking here.