Power, Internalized Oppression 2022

Power, Internalized Oppression and Cultural Competency

When: Friday, February 25, 2022, 7pm to 9pm

            Saturday, February 26, 2022, 10am to noon

Where: on ZOOM

The Anti-Racism Task Force is pleased introduce the Cultural Competency Forum of the Wisconsin Annual Conference.

Participation in the Forum is free of charge to Wisconsin Conference clergy and laity.

Registered persons will be sent the ZOOM link by e-mail the day before and the day of the event. There is no charge for participation.

Persons who register but are unable to attend the ZOOM training will be provided access to a recording of the event to facilitate their participation.


Power, Internalized Oppression and Cultural Competency is a detailed training on the effects of prejudice and bias and methods of achieving cultural competency and sensitivity. 

The Anti-Racism Task Force is pleased introduce the Cultural Competency Forum of the Wisconsin Annual Conference. Participation in the Forum is free of charge to Wisconsin Conference clergy and laity.

You are invited to continue your journey to cultural competency by registering for Module 2- Power, Internalized Racism and Cultural Competency and participating in the Module’s March, April and May  training and application events.

Module 2 provides in-depth training on the effects of prejudice and bias and reviews the skills and activities needed to gain cultural competency and eliminate or reduce bias and prejudice in your local setting.

The Cultural Competency Forum is a platform for training and practical application designed and created to realize the objectives of the 2019 Resolution on Anti-Racism Training, which called for intentional anti-racism training for conference clergy and leaders.

The Cultural Competency Forum is a two-year program of training and practical application structured to provide essential and continuing education with which clergy and congregations will gain awareness, build knowledge, acquire skills and form attitudes that will equip them to become culturally competent. This will provide a core of knowledge and skills for persons to progress further and participate in later Cultural Competency Forum training to teach interested persons skills for teaching cultural competency to local churches and other in settings.

The Cultural Competency Forum’s two-year program of training and application consists of 5 training and application modules preceded by a 3 to 4 hour training event. Each training event will be conducted regionally in a set location such as a church and will simultaneously be streamed on ZOOM. Each training and application module will be streamed on ZOOM.

The regional training events and training and application modules are below:

  • Regional Training: Scheduled for March 2022

          Module 2: Socialization and Power

  • Regional Training: Scheduled for July 2022

          Module 3: Community Development and Organization

  • Regional Training: Scheduled for November 2022

          Module 4: Cultural Competency

  • Regional Training: Scheduled for April 2023

          Module 5: Awareness, Skills, Knowledge, and Attitudes for Cultural Competency.  

The first hour of each monthly session is dedicated to training, the second hour is dedicated to application using cases from current congregational settings.