Power, Internalized Oppression 2022

Rev. Afi Dobbins-Mays

Rev. Afi Dobbins-Mays is an ordained Elder of the United Methodist Church (WI Conference). She is married to Bennett Mays Sr., and they are blessed by a blended family of 8 children and 13 grandchildren. Pastor Afi is a passionate community leader and humanitarian, now entering her 11th year of serving in of ministry in the city of Milwaukee. 

With Milwaukee, being one of the most segregated and impoverished cities in the nation, Pastor Afi, is grateful to be serving with two congregations - The New St. James Community UMC and Solomon Community Temple UMC - each located in communities where the need is great. 

Pastor Afi’s life’s work has led to several humanitarian interests and pursuits with a focus on healing and liberation from racial oppression. She directs the Rising Sun Camp and Rising Sun Community, programs designed for children of color with incarcerated parents and/or family members. She also sits on and chairs multiple anti-racism boards and councils and is regularly invited to preach and speak about racism. Some of Pastor Afi’s most fulfilling work is leading workshops and study groups on racism/systemic racism and internalized racism and oppression.

Rev. Dr. Grace Cajiuat

Rev. Dr. Grace Cajiuat brings more than 35 years of teaching and ministry experience to her work. She is an internationally recognized musician, minister, professor, and interculturalist.

Grace received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of South Carolina, Master of Church Music (Choral Conducting) from Scarritt Graduate School and Master of Music (Vocal Performance) from Austin Peay State University. She has worked as an international conductor, studying voice, language, and opera in Italy.

In addition, Grace received her Master of Divinity and Master of Sacred Theology from Boston University. She is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church in Wisconsin. 

A fellow at the Summer Institute of Intercultural Communication in Portland, Oregon, Grace is also a certified and experienced trainer in a variety of models: Cultural Detective Model, the Emotional Intelligence and Diversity Model, the Personal Leadership Methodology, and a qualified administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).

She brings these tools as well as her own, lived intercultural experiences to groups around the world—Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America—both within and outside of the Church. Her passion is helping leaders and congregations increase their intercultural competencies toward growing the reign of God on earth.