No need to print a poster because NISBRE 2018 will again be utilizing the iPosters software in lieu of traditional paper posters.
iPosters adds a whole new dimension to poster making and viewing. You will be able to create your research project presentation online, using the latest multi-media tools, allowing for a dynamic, interactive viewing experience for visitors to the conference.
If you submit an abstract by the May 1 deadline, you will receive an email invitation from, containing your personal login credentials and detailed instructions on how to create your iPoster submission. When you log in for the first time, you will be able to choose from a number of NISBRE templates and then create an interactive, multimedia iPoster with high resolution images, high definition videos, slide shows, detailed charts and diagrams, audio presentations and more. You may include as much content as you feel is necessary to highlight your research.
A dedicated support site with instructions and FAQs will be available to assist you in using this technology to its fullest. If you still have problems, or haven’t received an invitation, just send a mail to, and you’ll be contacted by a support agent.
We highly encourage you to set up your template as soon as you receive your login information or at your earliest convenience. This will give you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the software capabilities prior to beginning to pull together your content.
Your iPoster will be displayed at the conference on a large format, high definition touchscreen during your specified poster session. Attendees will be able to scroll through your content, click on images to enlarge them, and watch and listen to videos if you choose to include them. We encourage you use the “Audio Presentation” function allowing authors to narrate their research project so others may listen to your presentation during the Symposium even when you are not there.
Your specific poster presentation time will be provided once the schedule is finalized. You will be notified when the schedule is posted.
To learn more about iPosters check out
Click here for iPoster Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Click here for an iPoster Quick Guide.