National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence

COBRE Independence Award
Entrepreneurship Award
INBRE Mentoring Award
Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) Award
NISBRE Travel Award Winners

COBRE Independence Award

The COBRE Independence Award was established to honor Dr. Thomas Maciag, an internationally recognized cell and vascular biologist. Dr. Maciag was an innovative scientist, artist, and an outstanding mentor to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the fields of angiogenesis and development. Initiated in 2006, this award recognizes individuals who exemplify Dr. Maciag’s ideals of research excellence and commitment to mentoring, and who have established independence through a COBRE program. The recipient will receive the award at the 2018 NISBRE meeting.

Eligibility and Nominations

  1. Candidates for this award will be nominated by COBRE Principal Investigators and Program Directors. Nominations should include a letter stating how the candidate exemplifies the ideals of research excellence and a commitment to teaching and mentoring the next generation of scientists. Accompanying this letter should be a complete and updated curriculum vitae. The winner will be chosen on the basis of letters of nomination and scientific accomplishments.
  2. Candidates for this award will have established independent investigator status (R01 or equivalent research support) through support from the COBRE programs.
  3. Candidates will have outstanding publication records indicating that they have/will become nationally recognized leaders in their field.
  4. In addition to research accomplishments, candidates should also have a demonstrated commitment to mentoring students and postdoctoral fellows.
  5. Candidates should be articulate spokespeople for the IDeA program.

Selection Process

The award committee will be appointed by the NISBRE Principal Investigator, with the approval of the Organizing Committee.


The following guidelines will be used to select candidates for this award:

  1. The candidate has received independent funding for their research program as a direct result of COBRE support.
  2. The candidate shows evidence of successful research productivity and recognition by the community of scientists via research publications, presentations and/or service.
  3. The candidate shows evidence of successful mentoring.

Nominations should be sent electronically to Heiata Chapman, by May 1, 2018.

IDeA Entrepreneurship Award

This year a new award will be established to recognize the contributions of an investigator who has demonstrated excellence in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Commercialization. This individual may be a faculty member, an investigator, a post-doctoral fellow and/or a student who has made significant strides to bring basic discoveries involving drug targets, biomarkers or innovative technologies into a startup company. The product/technology must be targeted to have an impact on improving patient care and enhancing human health. The recipient will receive the award at the 2018 NISBRE meeting.

Criteria and Selection Process

The award committee will be appointed by the NISBRE Principal Investigator, with the approval of the Organizing Committee.

The following criteria/guidelines will be used to select candidates for this award:

  • Launching a startup focused on biotechnology/life sciences
  • Successfully licensing relevant technologies from institution and/or academic center
  • Number of patents
  • Number of licensing agreements
  • History of SBIR/STTR funding
  • Relevance and impact of translated products or innovative technology on human health
  • Providing mentorship in biomedical entrepreneurship


Candidates for this award can be nominated by COBRE, INBRE or IDeA-CTR Principal Investigators and Program Directors. Nominations should include a letter stating how the candidate 1) exemplifies the ideals of research excellence; 2) is committed to innovation and commercialization; and 3) is actively mentoring the next generation of entrepreneurial biomedical scientists. Accompanying this letter should be a complete and updated curriculum vitae (CV). The awardee will be chosen on the basis of letters of nomination along with scientific/business accomplishments.

Nominations should be sent electronically to Heiata Chapman, by May 1, 2018.

INBRE Mentoring Award

The INBRE Mentoring Award was established to honor Dr. Sidney McNairy, who was instrumental in developing and implementing opportunities for researchers in IDeA states. Dr. McNairy values strong mentoring as an integral component of the education process that promotes biomedical research careers for new researchers. Initiated in 2008, this award recognizes individuals from INBRE programs who demonstrate excellence in mentoring. The recipient will receive the award at the 2018 NISBRE meeting.

Eligibility and Nominations

  1. Candidates for this award will be nominated by INBRE Principal Investigators and Program Directors. Only faculty members who have been or are currently supported by INBRE funds may be nominated for this award. The nomination letter should focus on the candidate’s commitment to teaching and mentoring the next generation of scientists. The letter should also comment on the ways in which the candidate exemplifies the ideals of research excellence in the undergraduate, graduate, or research institution setting. The winner will be chosen on the basis of letters of nomination and mentoring and scientific accomplishments.
  2. In addition to mentoring accomplishments, candidates should also have outstanding publication records indicating that they have/will become nationally recognized leaders in their field.
  3. Candidates should be articulate spokespeople for the IDeA program.

Selection Process

The award committee will be appointed by the NISBRE Principal Investigator, with the approval of the Organizing Committee. Nomination packages submitted to the Awards Committee must include (1) letter of nomination, (2) two additional letters of support from faculty, and (3) a compete Curriculum vitae.


The following guidelines will be used to select candidates for this award:

  1. The candidate should show evidence of successful mentoring. Evidence can include: design of successful mentoring plans, sharing mentoring skills with students and trainees, and facilitating successful outcomes for mentees.
  2. The candidate should also show evidence of successful research productivity and recognition by the community of scientists via research publications, presentations and/or service.

Nominations should be sent electronically to Heiata Chapman, by May 1, 2018.

Clinical and Translational Research (CTR) Award

The CTR Award is designed to acknowledge a successful mentor who has generously given of his/her time to guide and support junior clinical/translational investigators in an active CTR program. Initiated in 2015, this award recognizes individuals who exemplify research excellence and commitment to mentoring and have facilitated the careers of junior investigators. The recipient will receive the award at the 2018 NISBRE meeting.

Eligibility and Nominations

  1. Candidates for this award will be nominated by CTR Principal Investigators and Program Directors. Nominations should include a letter stating how the candidate exemplifies the ideals of research excellence and a commitment to teaching and mentoring the next generation of scientists. Accompanying this letter should be a complete and updated curriculum vitae which includes the names and research areas of mentees. The winner will be chosen on the basis of letters of nomination, scientific accomplishments, and evidence of outstanding mentorship.
  2. Candidates for this award will have previously established independent investigator status in their careers.
  3. Candidates will have a demonstrated commitment to mentoring students and postdoctoral fellows.
  4. Candidates will be articulate spokespeople for the IDeA program.

Selection Process

The award committee will be appointed by the Principal Investigator of the NISBRE with the approval of the Organizing Committee.


The following guidelines will be used to select candidates for this award:

  1. The candidate must have a demonstrably successful track record as a mentor; mentees should have clear progress toward becoming independent investigators (i.e., publications, presentations, funding applications)
  2. The candidate must have a record of meritorious service to the CTR program
  3. The candidate must have a current or past track record of independent funding for their research program, and
  4. The candidate must show evidence of successful research productivity and recognition by the community of scientists via research publications, presentations and/or service.

Special emphasis will be placed on the candidate's accomplishments in:

  1. designing successful mentoring plans,
  2. demonstrating superb mentoring skills with trainees
  3. facilitating successful outcomes for their mentees,
  4. providing outstanding service and support to the CTR, and
  5. serving as articulate spokespersons for the IDeA program.

Nominations should be sent electronically to Heiata Chapman, by May 1, 2018.

NISBRE Travel Awards

Check here for a list of NISBRE Travel Award winners.