2022 MTCCCA Clinic
Conference Hotel: Holiday Inn Executive Center, 2200 I-70 Drive SW, Columbia, MO 65203
Registration Information
The 2022 Missouri Track and Cross Country Coaches Clinic will be held December 8-10, 2022 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri.
MTCCCA Newsletter Now Available!
Attendee Clinic Fee and Registration
The advance registration fee for the clinic is $125.00 per person. After November 30, 2022 the registration fee is $150.00 per person. The first 400 people registered for the clinic will receive a clinic gift.
The fee includes clinic attendance, clinic notes(online), all meals and breaks, Hall of Fame Induction/Dinner and your 2023 MTCCCA dues.
All refund requests must be received in writing to jamie@custommeetingplanners.com no later than November 1, 2022. After November 1, 2022, refunds will no longer be accepted, but substitutions will be allowed.
Expanded Continental Breakfast on Friday and Saturday, Hall of Fame Dinner, as well as the Socials on Thursday and Friday evenings are included in the registration fee.
Exhibitor Fees
The exhibit display area is $300 and includes (1) 6 ft. skirted table, (2) chairs and (1) wastebasket. Multiple Display Table Discount - If you purchase two display tables at $300.00 each, you can receive a third table for half price ($150.00). Non-profit exhibit displays received a discount rate of $200 each.
Additional opportunities available for non-profit organizations and companies unable to attend but would still like to support the conference.
Membership Fees
Your membership dues are included in the registration fees for the clinic. If you are unable to attend the clinic, but would still like to continue or become a member of the association please follow the instructions below
1. RENEWAL: $20 for coaches who are former members of MTCCCA.
2. INTRODUCTORY: $10 for coaches who have NEVER been members of MTCCCA.
Please forward along with payment YOUR name, YOUR mailing address, YOUR phone number, the name and class of the school at which YOU coach, and the sport(s) you coach. Send to:
Dean Hays
111 Parkway
Hardin, MO 64035
Home Phone: 660-398-4637
School Phone: 660-398-4394
Email: mtccca@yahoo.com