2022 MTCCCA Speaker Handouts
General Session I - Keynote - Bob Thurnhoffer
General Session II - Keynote - Irving "Boo" Schexnayder
A College Coach's Thoughts on Developing High School Sprinters - Bob Thurnhoffer
Coaching the Middle Distance Athlete - Todd Warner
Javelin Session: Keeping it Simple and Signs of Overtraining - Brian Allen
Technique and Accuracy in the Long Jump Approach - Irving "Boo" Schexnayder
How to Maneuver Through the College Recruiting Process - Angela Williams
Competition Cut Short: The Coach's Role in Eating Disorder Prevention and Discussion - Rachael Steil
Glide vs. Rotation - Brian Allen
The Triple Jump - Technique and Teaching - Irving "Boo" Schexnayder
Pole Vault Psychology - Shawn Francis
Ways to Construct and Coach Realys - Angela Williams
Pole Vault Tools for Your Toolbox - Shawn Francis
Issues in Comtemporary 400m Training - Bob Thurnhoffer
Culture First - Building a Healthy and Happy Program - Ryan Unruh
Discus Essentials - Practice Planning - Joe Frontier
Performing Great When It Matters Most! - Matt Candrl
Coaching the Long Hurdler - Caesar Morales