2017 WCO IT Conference and Exhibition
Registration Package:  This unsurpassed package comprises the three-day conference, refreshment breaks and lunches, dinners, excursions and a delegate pack that includes access to all presentations. 


Registration Fee Includes:  Conference registration, Conference refreshment breaks& lunches, access to the exhibition, welcome cocktail, conference dinners, excursion and your delegate materials.

Please note that your registration fee does not cover transport costs, hotel costs or daily expenses.


Regarding cancellation policy please see Terms and Conditions


1.1   “WCO”

The World Customs Organization, an international organization having its registered headquarters at rue du Marché 30, 1210 Brussels (Belgium), registered in the CBE as CUSTOMS CO-OPERATION COUNCIL; with registration number 0261.549.414.”

Registration Fees:


1.WCO Members–includes Customs and other Government Agencies

The WCO Member rate is only applicable to Delegates from Administrations who are Contracting Parties to the Convention establishing a Customs Cooperation Council, signed in Brussels on 15 December 1950. Please click here to consult the list of Contracting Parties.


2.Inter-Governmental Organizations

Free for two Delegates per Inter-Governmental Organization only.

In order to register as an Inter-Governmental Organization, a password is required. This password has been sent to your Administration in the official invitation letter.

For further information, please contact: wcoit2017@wcoomd.org


3.Private Sector Consultative Group (PSCG) member

A fee with 10% discount applies to each registration.

If you experience any problems, please contact us at: wcoit2017@wcoomd.org


4.Private sector & others

A fee applies to each registration (unless sponsor).

If you experience any problems, please contact us at: wcoit2017@wcoomd.org


5.Private sector & others from Georgia

A fee applies to each registration.

If you experience any problems, please contact us at:



6.Sponsors & Exhibitors

If you want to be a Sponsor or Exhibitor for IT Conference, please see the Terms & Conditions here.

Contact wcoit2017@wcoomd.org for the registration password.

Find the options here


If you want to cover the 2017 WCO IT Conference, please contact wcoit2017@wcoomd.org for the registration password.