Event Details |
2025 IIA Houston Annual Conference - Sponsors |
04/07/2025 |
7:30 am - 6:00 pm |
NRG Center |
One NRG Park |
Houston, TX, 77054 |
Event Description |
We invite your firm to partner with The Institute of Internal Auditors Houston Chapter as a Sponsor of our 2025 Annual Conference to be held Monday, April 7, 2025. The Houston Chapter has provided quality continuing professional education to its members for over a decade through its sold-out Annual Conferences. We are excited to offer our participants either an in-person experience at the NRG Center or remote viewing using the Inspire virtual technology platform.
Our 2025 Annual Conference program offers 8 CPE hours from General Sessions and concurrent sessions. In-person attendees will be able to select from concurrent sessions from the following topics: technical tips and techniques, fraud awareness, digital innovation, leadership enhancement, and hot topics. Virtual participants will view each General Session and three pre-determined concurrent sessions. The Inspire virtual platform used by the remote participants will provide sponsor logo visibility on the Conference home page.
NRG Center’s exhibit hall area provides open access to the in-person attendees as they transition between Conference sessions and the designated areas for breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon breaks and the post‐Conference networking reception.
Over the years, we have developed a mutually beneficial partnership with our valued Sponsors of this marquee event. We are again offering three sponsorship levels (by priority): Platinum Plus, Platinum, and Gold. Platinum Plus offers the overall greatest benefit to your firm, including priority in choosing your in-person exhibit booth location, program session to sponsor, and five (5) complimentary participant registrations. Platinum Plus sponsors also can sponsor one of the following: registration, luncheon, morning or afternoon breaks, post-Conference networking reception, Conference app, General Sessions table decorations, Conference program matrix handout, book signing, or photo booth. Platinum Plus and Platinum levels can sponsor a Conference program session (based on availability). All Sponsors will have their logos in the Conference app and on the Inspire home page and will receive a pre-Conference listing of participants.
This Sponsor and Exhibitor Guide outlines the benefits offered by each sponsorship level and important information about the in-person exhibit booths and related materials handling as well as creation of your firm’s page in the virtual platform. Please refer to the Sponsor and Exhibitor Checklist for key actions and due dates to assist with your Conference planning.
By registering and paying early, you will maximize your firm’s exposure in our pre‐Conference marketing and secure your sponsor priority. Remember that in-person exhibit booth assignment priority as well as logo posting on the Conference website and use in Conference marketing materials are by sponsor level and date of payment receipt.
We look forward to partnering with your firm to make our 2025 Annual Conference another great success!