2016 Customer Service & Communications Conference

State of TN
Molly oversees TDEC Office of Energy Program’s (OEP) efforts and activities under the U.S. DOE-funded State Energy Program (SEP) and various special projects. Molly serves as the Principal Investigator on a 2015 SEP Competitive Award to Tennessee, 5 other states, the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) and The Climate Registry (TCR) to create the foundation for a national energy efficiency registry and develop roadmaps for voluntary state adoption and implementation. Molly serves as the TDEC representative to the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Distributed Generation and Energy Efficiency Information Exchanges. She was recently elected to serve as Secretary to the NASEO Executive Board. In April of 2015, she was appointed by Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz to serve a two-year term on the U.S. DOE's State Energy Advisory Board (STEAB), which makes recommendations to the Department regarding initiation, design, implementation, and evaluation of energy efficiency and renewable energy programs, as well as serving to integrate and provide consistency between federal, state and local activities. Prior to joining the State in 2010, Molly spent several years practicing law in Tennessee, with a focus on compliance and municipal liability defense. She holds a B.A. in History and Political Science from the University of Tennessee and a J.D. from Vanderbilt University Law School