WCET's 28th Annual Meeting

Grant Project Director
Nori Barajas-Murphy is the director of Grant Projects for the Online Learning Consortium. She heads up the Digital Learning Innovation Award, an award for exceptional work in the nascent field of digital courseware especially where it supports underrepresented student success. Barajas-Murphy has worked in higher education for over nine years in faculty development, online and blended teaching initiatives, and grant management. She is currently working on her EdD. Her research interests include the pedagogical best practices in online synchronous learning environments, teasing apart the reasons students prefer print text over digital text for learning, and the development of a digital text taxonomy advancing the transformation of adaptive and responsive course content. She shares her life with a madman who coordinates logistics for festivals and extreme sports events and with their 15 year old daughter who plays the ukulele and sews her own clothes. None likes schedules or bedtimes.