Deconstructing CBE: Mitigating the Risk of Inflated Expectations
The Information Technology consulting firm Gartner has created the Hype Cycle to explain the maturity, adoption and social application of technologies used in our society. This Hype Cycle has been used to explain hundreds of other innovations, including many associated with education. The presenters will suggest that CBE in Higher Education may be moving up the curve toward a peak of “inflated expectations” and will share both research and practice for mitigating the risks to broader impact and sustainability. Findings will be shared from Eduventures’ 2016 CBE report, one of the largest studies of institutional implementation, and part of a three-year study of CBE by Eduventures, an independent research and advisory firm, in partnership with Ellucian and the American Council of Education. The presenters will synthesize the research and practical experiences into critical factors for successful CBE initiatives. Participants are asked to share their experiences with CBE in their institutions.
Presentation slides.
The Information Technology consulting firm Gartner has created the Hype Cycle to explain the maturity, adoption and social application of technologies used in our society. This Hype Cycle has been used to explain hundreds of other innovations, including many associated with education. The presenters will suggest that CBE in Higher Education may be moving up the curve toward a peak of “inflated expectations” and will share both research and practice for mitigating the risks to broader impact and sustainability. Findings will be shared from Eduventures’ 2016 CBE report, one of the largest studies of institutional implementation, and part of a three-year study of CBE by Eduventures, an independent research and advisory firm, in partnership with Ellucian and the American Council of Education. The presenters will synthesize the research and practical experiences into critical factors for successful CBE initiatives. Participants are asked to share their experiences with CBE in their institutions.
Presentation slides.