WCET's 28th Annual Meeting
UtahMajors.org v2.0

, Director, Instructional Technology


The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) Majors’ Guide, www.UtahMajors.org, launched in 2004, redesigned in 2014, provides information on 2700+ certificates and degrees. Search by institution, subject, award type as well as searching “backward” by occupation to college program enable prospective students to narrow their search for programs of interest. Links to campus websites point to program descriptions and details and to degree maps, semester-by-semester plans for taking all classes needed to earn the award. Integration with Utah Department of Workforce Services labor market data connects college students’ programs to income and job projects in related career fields. 
MajorsGuide records Regent actions to approve new programs or program changes. System staff record Regent approval dates, first and last semester offered, changes such as department consolidations, and minimum require credits.  Such information allows staff to respond to questions about institutional offerings. 
USHE is working with the State Board of Education to introduce MajorsGuide to future college students as a curricular resource in middle school college and career classes. Exploratory Major Pathways, following the national metamajor movement use CIP codes to group academic programs into broad pathways.
The presenter will demonstrate the public view and administrative dashboard of this web-based resource.  Questions and suggestions, sharing other system’s resources will be encouraged.