Even Without a Higher Ed Act, EdTech Legislation and Regulations Still Loom
Another year is passing without reauthorizing the Higher Education Act, which includes the federal regulations for colleges and universities. There remains a great desire to legislate or regulate on a mixture of issues that are some feel are overdue. Depending on the outcome of the presidential election, the current trend of increasing student rights, oversight, and emphasis on accountability and outcomes could continue. WCET members will need to watch proposed regulations on competency-based learning, the financial aid regulations (with misrepresentation repercussions), privacy (updating FERPA), Teacher Prep, and other issues of importance to the WCET community. This session will update on the federal regulation that are currently or may soon be in play and review trends in increasing regulation of serving students in other countries.
Another year is passing without reauthorizing the Higher Education Act, which includes the federal regulations for colleges and universities. There remains a great desire to legislate or regulate on a mixture of issues that are some feel are overdue. Depending on the outcome of the presidential election, the current trend of increasing student rights, oversight, and emphasis on accountability and outcomes could continue. WCET members will need to watch proposed regulations on competency-based learning, the financial aid regulations (with misrepresentation repercussions), privacy (updating FERPA), Teacher Prep, and other issues of importance to the WCET community. This session will update on the federal regulation that are currently or may soon be in play and review trends in increasing regulation of serving students in other countries.