L18: Oral Cancer: The Silent Killer in Your Practice
Subject: 730–Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology
Credits: 3 (Lecture)
Friday, July 15: 1 to 4 p.m.
Audience: DTC (D, H, A, O, T), ST, R
Fee: $60
Location: Level 2, Room 206
Speaker Bio: Retired Col. USA, Chief Dental Service, Miami VA Healthcare Systems; President, AGD Foundation and Chair, AGD Foundation Outreach Committee
Description: Most patients know little about oral and oropharyngeal cancer, and many do not even know if they have ever been screened by their dentist, according to a survey released by Vigilant Biosciences Inc., a developer of early cancer detection systems. More than 450,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year worldwide. This number would be more if the undiagnosed were detected. More than 40 percent of those who are diagnosed die from oral cancer within five years. Early diagnosis — which dentists (the physicians of the mouth) should be accountable for as a standard of care — is essential to increase survival rates. It is about getting the message out, educating patients, and giving advanced examinations, which only takes minutes. Learn more about the importance of early detection of oral and oropharyngeal cancer during this lecture course.
Learning objectives:
- Learn about advanced detection and examination techniques.
- Learn about proper coding to increase average monthly income.
- Learn about current research to help detect oral cancer.
- Learn about available adjunctive devices for oral cancer screenings.
- Learn ways to educate patient in your community and increase public
relations for your practice.
This Oral Cancer CE course is made possible with support from:
AGD Foundation Major Corporate Donor.
AGD Foundation Supporting Corporate Donor.
AGD Foundation Supporting Corporate Donor.