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the presentations have started, it's at
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empty seats on a first come basis.
Treating Traumatic Injuries in the Mouth T. Bob Davis, DMD, MAGD
Case report on bleach burn- What to do when bleach irritates gingiva, lip or tongue tissue. A simple solution in a few minutes.
Case report on h
orizontal anterior root fracture
- What to consider when faced with an upper anterior root horizontal fracture that may save the whole system.
Case report on p
artially evulsed maxillary anterior teeth from trauma
- What to do when presented with an accidentally partially evulsed maxillary anterior tooth (here there were three that are still in service 30 years).
Attachment Use with Removable Partial Dentures Paul Kuhlman, DDS, FAGD, FDOCS
When multiple teeth in a given arch are missing, what are the alternatives? A seldom used but excellent option for patients can be a precision or semi precision attachment removable prosthesis. Where superior retention, longevity and comfort are patient requirements, a well fitting attachment prosthesis can satisfy the patient's desires and budget.
This presentation will provide a review of the principles and clinical keys to success of non-implant supported attachment partial dentures. A case involving a set of conditions commonly encountered in everyday general practice will be used to illustrate. The treatment plan, rationale will be presented and the fabrication steps and the laboratory techniques and steps will be shown.
Bone Loss From Implant Retained Over Dentures Kirk Kalogiannis, DMD, FAGD, ABGD Description: I would like to present a relevant topic to explain the cause of continued bone loss in the posterior of the edentulous mandible using two implants in the anterior mandible to retain a full over denture. Using two independent implants to retain a mandibular Full Over-Denture does not preserve bone in the posterior mandible. Implant Retained Over-Dentures does not support the prosthesis therefore greater pressure is created in the posterior mandible which causes bone loss, and in fact can even progress bone loss faster than if the patient was unrestored. The physiology of bone loss is from pressure absorption and disuse atrophy. In order to truly prevent bone loss and in even increase bone volume and density, a more viable treatment plan is to restore the mandible with four connected implants to completely support, stabilize, and retain a Full Fixed or a Full Removable Prosthesis.
Management of Non-Carious Cervical Lesions Kevin Gureckis, DMD, MAGD, ABGD
Description: This ‘Lunch and Learn’ presentation will address the prevalence, etiologies, clinical presentations, and current evidence-based treatment modalities, both non-invasive and invasive, for managing NCCLs. Treatment modalities will include a broad range, from dentin desensitization to restorative material choices to soft tissue root coverage options. Clinicians will gain better perspectives on the importance of identifying and addressing etiological factors from the start to prevent further lesion progression. A question and answer session will follow.
Effects of Prosthesis Design on Cement Flow Emil Svoboda, PhD, DDS, FAGD
Description:Dental implant prosthetics have significant complications related to their installation techniques. The current screw-in process often results in a misfit at the implant-abutment junction and the cement-in technique often results in residual subgingival cement. The author presents new information that mitigates both of these longstanding problems and thus promises to reduce iatrogenic complications by 60%. This is a welcome “game changer” for us all.
Diastemas and "Fingernail Clipping" Veneers Gary Heyamoto, DDS, MAGD
Description:This is a case demonstrating creating porcelain veneers to close diastemas bonding only to enamel. It requires exquisite shade selection, an understanding of occlusal forces, a talented dental lab technician and careful finishing techniques. I hope to introduce to viewing dentists the prospective of treating conservatively while fulfilling an esthetic request.
Direct Pulp Capping for the 21st Century Michael Teitelbaum, DMD, FAGD
Description:Is endodontic therapy necessary for every pulpal exposure? In this era of ultra-conservative, biomimetic dentistry wouldn’t it be great to have a reliable system, you could start using tomorrow, that would allow you to restore pulp exposures without doing “root canal?” Come learn a detailed technique with over 90% success and 23 years of experience that will show you not just how to do dependable direct pulp caps but when it is appropriate to do them and why you want to.
Management of an Immature Permanent Avulsed Tooth
Annette Skowronski, DDS, MAGD
Description: The traumatic loss of a permanent tooth, especially in the smile zone can be a life changing catastrophic occurrence in a young child. This case study follows the avulsion and re-implantation of an immature anterior maxillary permanent tooth over the course of 6 years with an interdisciplinary approach. Emergency protocol, endodontic treatment, occlusal considerations and orthodontic procedures the are carefully discussed.