Kindly sponsored by TT Club
Celebrating excellence in cargo handling safety
ICHCA would like to congratulate APM Terminals - Buenos Aires, winning the first innovation in safety award for its mobile port equipment ‘Safety Logging System’ that produced measurable proven results in incident reduction and behavioural responses from the workforce. The award was presented by the IMO Secretary General and kindly sponsored by TT Club. Read full article
Key information
The award was presented at the Cocktail reception on Tuesday 1 March by:
Kitack Lim, Secretary General, International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Judging criteria
- Demonstration of actual improvement in the original issue being addressed from empirical evidence or supporting evidence corroborating that improvement. Where no actual data is available the Judging Panel will use its discretion as to the future potential of the innovation
- Originality of the submission
- Application to the wider industry where appropriate
The award was decided by a panel of judges:
Jan Boermans, Chair, ISP
Bill Brassington, Owner, ETS Consulting
Richard Brough, Technical Adviser and Observer, ICHCA International
Peregrine Storrs-Fox, Risk Management Director, TT Club
Rachael White, CEO Secretariat, ICHCA International
- The product, idea, system, process or innovation must have been developed by the entrant or the business entity, company they represent
- The entrant agrees to ICHCA International and TT Club publicising details of the winning and “highly commended” submissions and brief details of other notable submission without violating copyright, intellectual property rights and commercial confidence etc.
- The entrant (or an authorised representative) is able to attend the Award Ceremony at the ICHCA Bi-ennial Conference on 1st March 2016 in Barcelona, Spain.
- The Judging Panel’s decision is final