Higher Education Conference 2015
Satellite Events
Satellite Events: Friday 13 March 2015
9.00am -11.30amChanging times: Changing Agendas
Executives of Engagement Meeting
National Convention Centre, Canberra

On Friday 13th March 2015, the peak body for engagement in higher education – Engagement Australia – will once again convene our annual forum for all senior staff carrying leadership responsibilities for engagement and partnerships with business, industry and community. This year our guest speaker is Professor Greg Craven, Vice-Chancellor of the ACU who will speak on the challenges and opportunities for the engagement agenda in changing times.

The meeting will explore the theme “Changing times: Changing agendas” and consider strategic priorities for engagement in higher education. It will provide an opportunity for peer exchange, networking and dialogue around key tensions and priorities to progress an enhanced knowledge exchange agenda.

Priorities identified by the meeting will guide the future work of Engagement Australia in their role leading, developing and promoting an integrated approach to engagement within and between the higher education, private, public and communitybased sectors.

Contact Ms Karen Daley, Engagement Australia: Karen.Daley@scu.edu.au

9.00am - 3.00pm Association of Australian University Secretaries National Convention Centre, Canberra

The Association of Australian University Secretaries provides a forum that enables members to share information and to develop better practice guidance for members. In particular, AAUS promotes the importance of good governance through compliance with the Voluntary Code of Best Practice for the Governance of Australian Universities.

To register for the meeting contact Dr Nancy Huggett: nhuggett@uow.edu.au


8.30am - 12.30pm Briefing by Australian Government International Education Counsellors National Convention Centre, Canberra

International Counsellors from the Department of Education and Training will be briefing invited delegates from Australian universities on international education issues following the 2015 Universities Australia conference.

At the briefing delegates will have opportunity to attend presentations and to discus the challenges and opportunities facing international education with counsellors, who are located in key regions around the globe, including: Brasilia; New Delhi; Bangkok; Singapore; Beijing; Shanghai; Hanoi; Kuala Lumpur; Jakarta; Seoul and Tokyo, Washington DC and Brussels.

International counsellors are uniquely placed to build strong education and research partnerships with host governments and in-country institutions and organisations.

Contact Ms Maria Fleming, Department of Education and Training:

9.15am - 2.30pm Meetings of Chairs of Academic Boards/SenatesNational Convention Centre, Canberra

All chairs/presidents and those directly interested in Academic Boards/Senates are invited to meet and discuss developments and issues in academic governance.

The meeting will consider the implications of the rapidly evolving higher education sector for academic governance and Academic Boards/Senates. It will also provide opportunities for networking, sharing of good practice, support for new Chairs, discussion about the TEQSA Guidance Note on academic governance, and sharing strategies to communicate with our academic communities, and promote academic standards and excellence.


8.30am - 1.00pmStrategic initiatives supporting learning outcomes across higher educationNation Convention Centre, Canberra

With a changing higher education system and evolving workplace needs, this event, hosted by the Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT), will examine how higher education providers can ensure they are assisting students to develop the skills and knowledge they need for the 21st century. Join the OLT for a discussion on related national programmes of work:

  • Emeritus Professor Christine Ewan is working with the Higher Education Standards Panel to explore emerging models of delivery in the context of the Australian Higher Education Standards Framework and regulatory environment.
  • Emeritus Professor Geoff Scott is exploring the optimum ways in which we can develop capacity across the sector to assure the fitness of purpose of assessment as well as its fitness for purpose of assessment, with particular focus on how we can develop work ready plus graduates.
  • Dr Sara Booth is leading work to grow external peer review of learning outcomes and national benchmarking capability.
  • New Zealand and Australia collaborate on areas of mutual national importance to higher education learning and teaching. Work is underway between institutions on national teaching and learning benchmarking. Dr Peter Coolbear, Director of Ako Aotearoa, and Di Weddell, Branch Manager, Office for Learning and Teaching, will provide an update of this work.