FT Weekend Interview Series – Martin Amis
22 January 2015, 12 - 2pm | Steigenberger Grandhotel Belvédère, Davos  

The Future of the Art World: Culture and Commerce in the 21st Century, moderated by the Financial Times's arts writer Peter Aspden, brings together some of the most prominent figures in today's art scene, to discuss factors currently influencing the art market, emerging players and the effects of globalisation on art.


Marc Spiegler
Art Basel

Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo 
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

Nouriel Roubini 
Co-founder & Chairman
Roubini Global Economics

Martin Roth 
Victoria and Albert Museum

Join us for an exclusive lunchtime debate

In recent years, art has achieved a prominence in our cultural life that would have been inconceivable in earlier times. Boldly designed museums have sprung from the drawing boards of the world's leading architects, attracting millions of visitors and regenerating urban neighbourhoods.

Art fairs too have proved highly popular, proof that the hitherto esoteric ways of contemporary art are beginning to reach a mass audience. The art market in general has shown an extraordinary buoyancy in the face of financial uncertainty - art is even being discussed in some circles as a legitimate asset class.  

But what lies behind this extraordinary story? Is it the strength of the art itself, or an increasing willingness by the public to engage with it? How deep does this interest go? Is it just a passing fad? And as new countries enter the art scene - notably China and the Gulf Arab States - will the resultant globalisation lead to a homogenisation of art, or will national traditions survive intact?  


Peter Aspden
Arts Writer 
Financial Times