The 3rd Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology (a.k.a. Exhilarate 2016) will enthusiastically promote the science and practice of positive psychology along with lots of easy-to-use research-based applications that you can take back and implement right away.
The conference environment will nurture collaboration and communication among researchers, practitioners, teachers and students in Canada and around the world. Be prepared to network and enjoy conversations that span all different types of disciplines, converging on one main theme; A passion for positive psychology.
Experience for yourself what academic institutions, coaches, counsellors, practitioners, public organisations, private companies, non-profit organisations, health organisations, governments, etc.. are beginning to tap into through learning and living the science of positive psychology.
Come and contribute to enhancing individual and community well-being and quality of life by sharing positive psychology knowledge and applications in one of Canada's most beautiful areas, Niagara on the Lake.
Be part of the solution to helping Canadians flourish!
"Soaringwords is an absolutely incredible organization that assists children who are seriously ill as well as their families to experience joy, positive healing, and flourishing in their difficult circumstances. Soaringwords is sponsoring an Opening Celebration at the Canadian Positive Psychology Association meetings on the evening of June 16th. The purpose is to help raise money for hospitalized children as well as to provide an opportunity for conference attendees to socialize and have lots of fun together. I urge you to register for the ‘Soaringwords Rocks the World Social’ on Thursday evening to enjoy a truly memorable event." ~Kim Cameron
You can purchase your ticket at time of registration for the conference or you can purchase them here. Need to purchase tickets for friends or family? Click HERE now.