EMINENT 2018 Conference: New models for developing teachers’ competences
Keynote Speakers:

António Nóvoa
Honorary President of the University of Lisbon.

He holds a Ph.D in Education (University of Geneva) and a Ph.D in History (University of Paris IV-Sorbonne).

He has been President of ISCHE (The International Standing Conference for the History of Education) and he was awarded with several Honorary Doctorates from Portuguese and Brazilian universities.

Diana Laurillard
Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies, UCL Knowledge Lab.

Developing the Learning Designer and Course Resource Appraisal Modeller tools for teachers. Projects: MOOCs on Blended Learning Essentials for teachers; The transformational Potential of MOOCs; on Future Education in the RELIEF Centre; with Learning Sciences Lab, Singapore, on neural-informed game-based interventions for low-progress learners; with the AICFE, Beijing, on teacher community knowledge; with universities in Italy and Spain, on designing for personalisation and Inclusion with technology (DEPIT).

Formerly Head of the e-Learning Strategy Unit at Department for Education and Skills (2002-5); Pro-Vice Chancellor for learning technologies at the Open University (1995-2002); member of the Dearing Committee. Book: Teaching as a Design Science, Routledge


Klaas Doorlag
Klaas Doorlag is programm manager educational innovation at the teachers training college of Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied sciences in the Netherlands.

Educational Innovation is the core of his career. He has been a teacher in vocational education and has lead projects that all had innovation as a goal.

As a consultant he has helped different schools in the Netherlands for about 10 years in redesigning their education shifting from subject centered toward student centered learning. 

As program manager Klaas combines his work as a teachertrainer and teamcoach with helping schools to improve teacherperformance using a technology driven teacher centered approach that is developed by The Hogeschool Utrecht.

Anastasia Economou

Head of the Educational Technology Department

Cyprus Pedagogical Institute

Ministry of Education and Culture

Anastasia Economou received her BSc in Elementary Education from Boston University in 1993, her Master’s degree in Educational Media and Computers from Arizona State University in 1994 and her MBA degree from the University of Cyprus in 2008. She is the head of the Educational Technology Department at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute and a member of the Ministry of Education and Culture committee ICT unit for the use of ICT in the learning process. She represents Cyprus to the European Commission Expert Group on Media Literacy and Education and to the European Commission ET2020 Working Group on Digital Competences and Skills.

She has been involved in several European projects on the use of digital technologies in education, undertaking the coordination of the ATS2020 (Assessment of Transversal Skills) and the CYberSafety (Cyprus Safe Internet Center) projects, as well as the Safe Internet for Children National Strategy in Cyprus.

Her interests, regarding the use of digital technologies in the learning process, include transversal skills for the digital society, multiple literacies, assessment and ePortfolios, learning design, eLearning, teachers’ continuous professional learning, and creative and safe use of the internet.

Dr Conor Galvin
BA (Hons) MA (Kent), MPhil, PhD (Cantab).

Conor Galvin is based at UCD Dublin College of Social Sciences Graduate School, Ireland, where he lectures, Directs, & researches on various education, public policy, and research methods programmes. His teaching & research interests include policy networks, professional knowledge, and the impact of new and emergent technology on learning and society.

He is currently UCD Lead Partner on the ITELab Project, 2017-19; an EU Funder Knowledge Alliance, KA 2 project under ERASMUS+. Dr Galvin holds The President’s Award for Teaching Excellence at UCD and the National Forum for University Teaching & Learning / Union of Students in Ireland Award for Innovative and Engaging Teaching. He is immediate past-President of the Education Studies

Association of Ireland. In Dec 2017, Dr Galvin was appointed to the Minister for Education’s Working Group on the Schools Excellence Fund – Digital, Ireland. He remains active in this role. Before joining UCD, Dr Galvin taught and researched at University of Wales Swansea, and University of Cambridge, England.

Twitter: @_conorgalvi

Francisco Manuel González Galán
Pedagogical Technical Advisor, National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF), Spanish Ministry of Education (MEFP)

Francisco got a degree in Teacher of Foreign Languages at University of Extremadura (Spain) in 1996 and worked at different Primary schools for 18 years. He worked as an online tutor of many activities such as MALTED project courses (Multimedia Authoring for Language Tutors and Educational Development) and ‘Flip your classroom’ courses for INTEF.
Since 2017 he has been working at the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF) where he is coordinating and developing different ICT projects, such as massive open online courses (NOOC, MOOC) and ‘Insignias INTEF’ Open Badge Backpack. Although a passionate about ICT in education his motto is: ‘Teaching is a work of heart’.

Main areas of interest: Teacher training, technology.

Twitter handles: @franciscogongal, @educaINTEF, #AprendeINTEF, #DirectoINTEF

Aivar Hijo
The Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA)

Aivar Hiio joined HITSA in 2017 as a project manager, having previously worked at the Estonian Academy for Security Sciences as a training manager. He has previously been in charge of coordinating international development projects regarding training of state security personnel and public officials. Since joining HITSA, he has been involved with HITSA’s training management and international projects as well as the development of new education programmes. Aivar Hiio has a BA in International Relations and an MSc in Development and International Relations from Aalborg University, Denmark.

Hermione (Nena) Karagianni
BSc in Mathematics, MSc in Information Management

After working in industry, she joined Computer Technology Institute (www.cti.gr) in 1998 as an information analyst, researcher and manager of research and development projects. Since then she has coordinated and/or participated in more than 20 national and EU projects and studies in the fields of ICT and education. Her interests include the integration of digital innovation in everyday life and in the educational process.

Anna Laghigna
A secondary teacher of English at IPSIA Giacomo Ceconi in Italy.

She is a member of the team of teacher trainers of the European Schoolnet Academy and has moderated several online courses on technology-enhanced teaching (MENTEP), collaborative teaching and learning (COLAB 1st and 2nd editions), Mentoring in schools (INDUCAS), as well as some eTwinning Learning Events.

Anna is also an experienced teacher trainer in the areas of active teaching methodologies, Digital Storytelling and eCLIL. In 2015 she was awarded the eSkills for Jobs Prize for teaching digital skills in her classroom.

Twitter: http://twitter.com/annlag63

Javier Magdaleno
Director of Centro de formación del Profesorado de Idiomas de Castilla y Leon, Teacher Training Center of Foreign Languages

Javier has a degree in English Philology by the University of Valladolid. Secondary School English teacher for 12 years and teacher trainer for 4 years. He has  coordinated and participated in many european projects representing the Teacher Training Center and the Consejería de Educación of Castilla León, such as TC4PI Comenius Project (2012-2015), ITC4FLL Comenius Regio 2013-2015, TECNICEA Interreg Project 2013-2015, MCCPD Erasmus + project (2015-2018) and FCL Regio as associated partner. Right now, he is participating in a KA3 project called L2C «Leadership for Change», coordinated by European Schoolnet, a KA 201 project ELAPSE «Embedding Languages across Primary and secondary Education» and is leading a KA 101 Consortium called IFLCA «Internationalisation and promotion of German Language and Culture».

Dr. Rasa Nedzinskaitė
Lecturer at Vytautas Magnus University and researcher at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.

Scientific interest – teacher education, teacher professionalism, management of education and leadership.

Gululherme d'Oliveira Martins

Master Degree in Juridical and Economic Science (University of Lisbon)
Honoris Causa by University Lusíada (june 2016)
Honoris Causa by University Aberta (september 2016)
Honoris Causa by Institute of Social and Political Sciences (october 2016).

Present Positions: Trustee of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. President of the Grand Council of the CNC – Centro Nacional de Cultura (National Centre for Culture). Chairman of the Fiscal Council of Caixa Geral de Depósitos. National Coordinator of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. University Professor at the University Lusíada and the Technical University of Lisbon. Correspondent member of the Portuguese Academy of Sciences. Member of the Portuguese Naval Academy. Member of merit of the Portuguese Academy of History.

Previous Positions : President of the Tribunal de Contas (Portuguese Court of Auditors). President of the Council for the Prevention of Corruption. President of EUROSAI. President of the Contact Committee of the Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the European Union. General-Auditor of the Assembly of the West European Union. First Vice President of EUROSAI. Minister of Presidency. Minister of Finance. Minister of Education. Secretary of State for Educative Administration. Member of the Portuguese Parliament. Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party. President of SEDES (Association for Economic and Social Studies). Vice-President of the Portuguese National Commission for UNESCO. Political Adviser of the President of the Republic. Secretary General of the Portuguese Committee of the European Cultural Foundation. Head of Cabinet of the Minister of Finance. Member of the European Convention on the Future of the Europe. President of the Steering Committee of the Council of Europe, which has adopted the Framework Convention on the Value of Heritage for Society (in Faro, Portugal).

Neuza Pedro
Professor in Education and Teacher training at the Institute of Education-University of Lisbon.

Neuza has a PhD in ICT in Education. Member of the Portuguese Scientific and Pedagogical Council for Continuing Teacher Education. Coordinator of E-learning Lab of University of Lisbon since 2010. Coordinator of the Masters’ Degree in Digital Technologies and Education of the Institute of Education. Has been involved in a significant number of research projects related to ICT in Education, such as Technology enhanced learning at Future Teacher Education Project (teL@FTE-Lab), ITEC Project, Intel Teach Advanced Online, LEARN- Math, Technology & society, DALEST Project, WEBLABS Project.

Gabi Witthaus
A UK-based freelance researcher in open education, a learning design consultant at the University of Birmingham, and a PhD student at Lancaster University.

Gabi has been leading and supporting open education initiatives since she joined the higher education sector in the UK in 2009, initially working as a research associate at the University of Leicester. She has participated in several JISC- and EU-funded open education projects, and led the research for an EU report on the recognition of MOOC-based learning. She has also carried out research into open, online education on behalf of the Open University of Catalonia and The Open University (UK). Gabi blogs at www.artofelearning.org.