Partner and Head of Research and Intelligence, CSIS Security Group
The security industry as a whole is down played in numbers and the odds are against us that we will be able to prevent these attacks from happening in the future. When we “Go back to the roots”, we soon realize that both the rules of the game and the threat landscape have changed. When we agree on that – even if it’s controversial – we might need to adapt to a more aggressive and offensive approach if we want to make a change and win the battle.
This keynote will highlight the challenges we are facing. We have insecure IOTs numbering in the millions and growing, script kiddies utilizing phishing kits, and CEO fraud is on the rise. Additionally, CaaS (Crime as a Service) is being offered in darknet and underground markets and our critical infrastructure systems are more interconnected than ever..
We, as an industry, have to follow the law. We are the janitors of the Internet and we should be proud of that. Yet our work consists in finding loopholes and gaps in the law and in the criminal’s architecture that would make it easier, or even possible, for us to track these individuals and pass the results to the law enforcement for legal action. Isn’t this approach better than the mass surveillance alternative?
Welcome to: Booby-trapping the hacker’s tools. A tale about offensive protection without breaking the law and 20 years of tracking criminals using an industry creative approach.Senior Research Fellow, ESET

In one case of self-spreading malware, we made our way close enough to “Patient Zero”, stopping just short of reaching the final (or perhaps initial?) stop. In another one, tracing from the beginning and from the end allowed us to find a piece of two missing in between them. Most of the cases we looked at are examples of targeted attacks – although not necessarily what one would call an APT; since Persistence might not have been what the bad guys were after.
We are going to present several of these cases in which we saw the power hidden in numbers -- cases in which gathering a large number of samples thoroughly helped with tracing the lineage of malware. Some of the malware analysed had been described before – but only as separate, not-known-to-be-related cases, while our research would suggest tighter connections. Our presentation will also include a quick walk through the obstacles we encountered while finding and subsequently processing all the relevant malware samples.
In addition to his job, Peter also holds occasional lectures for students of computer science on both high-school and university levels on topics related to malware analysis and computer security in general.
The abstracts are listed in the order they are presented on the program.Nigerian BEC : Tools Techniques and Procedures, Gabor Szappanos (Sophos Plc)
- Who are they?
- What are their operating procedures?
- What are the tools they are using?
Nigerian criminals have been heavily involved in email scams for decades. They started with the classic 419 scams and then moved on to CEO spoofing, nowadays adding the (slightly) more sophisticated business email compromise (BEC) schemes, most notably payment diversions. In a typical payment diversion scheme the criminals use credential stealers in order to gain access to corporate email services then look for pending invoices. Using the compromised account they send out updated invoices that divert the payments to the criminals’ bank account.
These criminals are known for their poor OpSec, and indeed, they leave a huge pile of tracks behind themselves. This presentation is not about entertaining the audience with their mistakes, but to mine through the tracks they left, and using this information to understand them and their methods.
The compromise is not the working of a single individual; rather it is a larger, complex and organized group of people working together. The presentation will give an insight into and deep analysis of the working and internal structure of an average Nigerian BEC group. At the top of the group are those responsible for the administration of the drop servers. Others are preparing the keyloggers used in the attacks, and hand them to the distributors, who collect the potential target addresses and send out the phishing emails. Finally the operators are at the bottom of the food chain and work with the compromised accounts.
These criminals are not highly sophisticated computer experts. Instead of developing their own solutions, they heavily rely on commercial offerings from the underground markets:
- Keylogger
- Exploit builders
- Mass-mailers
- Target selection
- Invoice generation
- Mail bombing
- Handling stolen credentials
- Hijacking invoices
- Other “recreational activities” like Facebooks scams and traditional 419 scams
An Incursion in the Malware Packer Market, Cătălin Valeriu Liță, Doina Cosovan (Security Scorecard)
propose an incursion in the malware packer market advertised on forums and
focus particularly on describing how and why malware packers have evolved, the
most interesting features of various actively used packers, and a price
analysis. According to AV-Test, an independent organization used to test AV
products, the number of malware variants has had an exponential growth. The
security vendors are continuously adapting and fighting them by using various
advanced detection techniques like machine learning, memory scanning,
emulators, and so on. Cybercriminals need to ensure the malware gets and stays
undetected on as many machines as possible. To achieve this goal, they use
packers in order to protect the malware code from anti-virus detection, reverse
engineering, and dynamic analysis in virtualized environments. Since they are
willing to spend good money on this type of protection, packer development for
malware became a profitable business.
Thus, malware builders, like Zeus, which had in the beginning their own packer as a feature of the builder, removed this component because their clients started to use a packer bought from the market instead of the one proposed in the builder. The reasoning behind this is that a packer developed by a team specialized in packers is better than one added by a team specialized in writing malware.
To ensure malware samples remain undetected, packer developers issue frequent, sometimes daily, updates as response to detections added by anti-virus products. For staying undetected a longer period of time, various techniques are being used: providing personalized encryption techniques for each packer client, setting various sample characteristics (like the overlay size, the number of sections) to random values, using custom websites for sample scanning in order to avoid uploading files on virustotal (which shares samples with anti-virus vendors), and so on.
The prices for these packers vary from as low as $8 for a DarkShield packer monthly subscription to $150 for only one private file encryption from Most of the payments for these services are done in bitcoins, so they are untraceable.
Since the competition is growing in the malware packer market, packers started to become better and packer developers started to provide more and more features with every day. They even started to ensure persistence, disable specific processes and features related to reverse engineering, clean the computer from previous malware infections, and so on. Nowadays, all the malware creators have to do is to focus on implementing the logic because malware packer developers implement not only a huge variety of protection techniques, but everything a malware needs to safely install on a system.
As use cases, we have investigated a set of almost 15 malware packers, which currently are being actively advertised on forums: Cloud Crypter, Darkeye Protector, Darkshield, Exploit.Im, Exterbyte Crypter, Flow Crypter, Fud.Io, iJuan, Janadark, Kazy Crypter, Lotuscrypt, Rata Protector, Shield Cryptor, Spartan Crypter, Static Crypt 4.
Going back to the “Router”, Chun Feng (Microsoft), Kafeine (Proofpoint)
- Why is the router a good target for attackers?
- How does the exploit kit locate the router IP address with STUN protocol?
- Why is it that the claim “my-router-is-not-visible-or-accessible-from-Internet-therefore-it-is-safe” a myth?
- How does the exploit kit fingerprint the router model with “image fingerprint” technique?
- What are the attack vectors of this exploit kit (CSRF attack, “DNS changer”, etc.)?
- What are the common mistakes most users are making on their routers?
We also want to point out that the security issues and the attack vectors go beyond routers. They can be applied to Internet of Things (IoT) devices as well. We will also provide some advice for both IoT and router vendors and users.
Contain Me If You Can!, Abhijit P. Kulkarni and Prakash D. Jagdale (Quickheal)
The Windows container feature is available on Windows Server 2016, Nano Server, and Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise (Anniversary Edition). Microsoft recommends Anti-virus optimization for Windows Containers which will avoid redundant scanning of Windows Container files and help improve Container start up time. Since performance is the key we see all the AV products would have no choice but to implement this. There lies the problem.
Each container has an isolated volume that represents the system volume to that container. A container isolation filter (wcifs.sys) provides a virtual overlay of package layers onto this container volume. If a container modifies a file, the isolation filter performs copy-on-write and replaces the placeholder with the contents of the package file. The paper will discuss the ways in which a rootkit sitting between the isolation filter and AV real time filter can fool the AV and trick it to skip the scanning thereby infecting the container and the host thereafter.
The paper will suggest the way in which the AVs can tackle such rootkit. Sample code and demo showcasing the same will be presented.
The life story of an IPT - Inept Persistent Threat actor, Adam Haertle (UPC)
How to get money for infecting and rooting your own Android device, Roman Unuchek (Kaspersky Lab)
In November 2016 we reported to Google almost 50 such infections, some of which had been installed more than 100 000 times.
Therefore, we analyzed the reasons behind such popularity and found two main sources. The first reason is advertising modules in the regular apps, mostly belonging to popular advertising networks. The other source is apps that pay users for installing other apps from Google Play. Such apps receive these offers from several advertising networks. These malicious advertising offers will be shown in this research.
Tracking exploit kit criminals, Kalpesh Mantri (McAfee)
I OWN YOU(R device) – Use and Abuse of Root privileges by Android Malware, Jagadeesh Chandraiah (Sophos)
- Different types of Android Rooting including System less rooting.
- Legitimate uses and necessity for Android device rooting.
- Android Safety net API and how It can also be used to detect rooting.
- Android malware abusing rooting privileges, their rooting methods and commonly seen system modifications.
- Different exploits and open source rooting tools and services used by Android malware.
- Conclude with a discussion about the motive and the end game for use of rooting by Android malware.
Spora: New Kid On The Block, Előd Kironský and Jakub Křoustek (AVAST)
In January 2017 a new ransomware strain dubbed Spora appeared on the malware scene. Spora stands out from the countless line of .NET cloned ransomware copycats created by script kiddies. It was written in C++ and has a very interesting design that allows encrypting in offline mode without the need of a CnC server infrastructure. Spora also has an innovative business model by calculating the ransom value based on the number and type of encrypted files.
Furthermore, to get even more money from victims, Spora also provides an immunity package to protect users from a future infection.
Ransomware with such a rich list of features must have ambitions to become a global player in this playground among the other strains such as Cerber or Locky. However, the vast majority of infections were reported only from Russia and other Post-soviet countries so far, which caught our attention because these countries are rarely the main target of ransomware attacks.
We’ve been tracking Spora right from the beginning of its appearance. In our presentation, we will show various spreading mechanisms used by Spora, how Spora juggles with all the generated symmetric and asymmetric keys, what is the spreading map based on our sensors, and more. We will also give a technical analysis of the ransomware’s executable and provide information on how the encryption and decryption works. Last but not least, we will discuss possibilities of immunization with an example of Spora’s own immunization tool and with our own method that is even more effective.
Hunting down MazarBOT, Lukas Stefanko (ESET), Peter Kruse (CSIS)
A forensic approach to testing rootkit protection, Simon Edwards. SE Labs
- The challenges rootkits pose for security vendors and testing organizations.
- Dedicated detection tools (e.g. GMER) – are these sufficient for checking a 'cleaned' system?
- Monitoring network activity from 'disinfected' hosts:
- Different ways to do it, including on-host, transparent proxy, network tap, waiting for your ISP to alert you (hint: don't, but it can happen and did to us – just once!)
- Amusing anecdote about how we independently (but accidentally) noticed the emergence of the (Mebroot/Sinowal/Torpig) MBR bootkit around 2007-8, using a transparent proxy.
- Offline memory analysis
- Tools you'll need (all free), plus:
- Alternatives, for when malware blocks the ones you use by default!
- A real example analysis from our lab.
- An exploration of a system infected with Stuxnet.
- Physical versus virtual systems issues (inconvenient but realistic vs. easy but fallible).
- Important tips, including ways to avoid your anti-malware from damaging your samples…
Down but not out: The crypters that refuse to let VB6 malware die, Sanchit Karve (McAfee)
W32/VObfus was the most recent and prevalent standalone VB6 Trojan seen in the wild since 2007. After a coordinated effort by the anti-malware industry and law enforcement dismantled the botnet in April 2015, no other family in the VB6 malware space has taken its place. Instead, the dynamic of VB6 malware has shifted from being self-contained malware to injectors for other malware families.
Tracking online counterfeiters, Emilio Casbas (
Criminal Preferences From a Grab Bag of New gTLDs, Merike Kaeo (Farsight Security)
This talk will use empirical data to provide a mechanism for how to ascertain the gTLDs that are the preferred choice for criminal activity. The data used will be a combination of: historical Passive DNS information, WHOIS registration information and real-time flow data of newly observed delegation points and fully qualified domain names. Added global insights into recent Internet governance perspectives on abusive gTLDs will also be given.
Owning the attackers, slowly, Liam O’Murchu (Symantec Corporation)
After watching their activities closely we were able to identify the attackers, work with law enforcement to have them apprehended, have their botnet completely disabled and to recover some of the stolen funds. We also identified many of the victims, the amounts stolen, which scams were most profitable, the middle men used, communication strategies and operational security details of how the gang worked.
In this talk I will discuss the techniques we used to track the attackers, the reality of working with law enforcement on a case like this and the copious amounts of data we collected about how the attackers operated their scams, managed to stay hidden for so long and how their operational security ultimately failed them. I will provide key ‘lessons learned’ and success stories that will be useful to others undertaking such investigations.
Getting to the Root of Malware to Feed the Insatiable Machine, Gregory Panakkal (K7 Computing Pvt. Ltd.)
However the ability to extract distinct features from malware has been largely crippled by the use of commercial and custom protectors/obfuscators to hide their true code. Since static unpacking methods have proved ineffective against modern packed malware various dynamic unpacking mechanisms have been developed to capture the runtime unpacked state. However, these dynamic techniques have drawbacks too viz. they are susceptible to detection, and face severe limitations when scaled to handle the vast number of samples that must be processed to provide the core DNA for ML models.
This presentation explores the various unpacking techniques from legacy tracing and emulation to more modern techniques using DBI, Hypervisor, etc., and evaluates their efficacy with respect to modern malware families characterized by core-functional feature extraction. In addition, this presentation will exhibit an enhanced unpacking technique that is optimized for feature extraction on a much larger scale than current dynamic unpacking methods. A live demo of this enhanced technique will be given during the talk.
Rooting out what really happened last December, Anton Cherepanov and Robert Lipovský (ESET)
Cyber-sabotage is nothing new in the anti-malware industry, whose veterans can still remember how they fought against such disruptive threats as CIH targeting Win9x. What is relatively new in the industry, on the other hand, is targeted cyber-sabotage, especially if malware is capable of interacting with industrial control systems. One such malicious program was used in the attack against Ukraine in December.
All three of these attacks garnered a lot of attention from the media. Although both regional and international media covered these events extensively, an anti-malware industry audience will be interested in deeper technical details. That is why in our talk we will share insights about the discoveries and our research, including previously-unpublished technical information.
So join us as we get to the root of the question: What really did happen last December?
'Disttrack-tion’ Alert: Beaconing A Ground-Zero Attack, Nicholas Ramos, Erwin Dusojan (Trend Micro)Abstract: In the early days of digitalization, threat actors’ motivations were to destroy computer systems and become famous. Nowadays, cybercriminals’ primary goal is to remain undetected while stealing digital assets. Surprisingly, a resurgence of a destructive malware named as “Disttrack” a.k.a “Shamoon” has risen from the horizon breaking the current threat landscape.
In 2012, one of the world’s largest oil-production company in the Middle East was infested by Disttrack. In this incident, at least 30,000 computers were left devastated. Compromised machines were left crippled by wiping their files and overwriting the MBR, after stealing data. This has been considered by security experts as one of the most destructive cyber-attack on a private company.
“Disttrack” came back in 2016 with a much deadly threat. Aside from its original payload, the new variant includes attack on a specific Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) vendor. It deletes snapshots that could allow reverting to a known working state, averting possible countermeasures.
The destructive malware continues its campaign this 2017, damaging critical resources making recovery a daunting task for enterprise companies. Organizations need a thorough understanding of its behavior in order to efficiently respond to future incidents. This paper aims to cover Disttrack’s evolution, all notable characteristics, and effective strategies to defend against this threat.
Stegano Exploit Kit, Ladislav Janko, Robert Lipovsky (ESET)
Abstract: As detection and mitigation are getting better, so do methods of concealing and spreading malware. Online advertising has become an attractive platform for cybercriminals in their quest to reach for the masses. Malvertising has seen a new dimension last year, when the Stegano exploit kit was hiding in plain sight, yet it was difficult to detect and analyze due to the evasive techniques used. The most significant factor of the Stegano exploit kit was the scale and outreach it had.
Stegano is an exploit kit that had been spreading via malicious ads on a number of major news websites since at least the beginning of October 2016. Dubbed after the steganography techniques it used, it served its malicious code to millions of users by embedding it into pixels of rogue ad banners. The attackers targeted various flash player (remote code execution) vulnerabilities running in Internet Explorer in particular geographic regions. They employed several advanced self-concealment methods to remain undetected in the process for as long as possible. If successful, the victims’ systems had been left exposed to further compromise by various malicious payloads including backdoors, banking trojans, spyware, file stealers and various other downloaders.
Despite their attempts to remain undetected, many other security researchers were on their trail. Further analysis of the attacks and comparison of our findings with those of our colleagues from Proofpoint and Trend Micro has revealed a link to the AdGholas campaign, previously using the Angler and Neutrino exploit kits.
In this presentation, we will go over the highlights of our research findings, providing a technical analysis of the Stegano exploit, including details on the stealthy steganography and self-concealment techniques used in the complex attacks. We will also look into the background of this campaign and discuss possible new attack vectors.