Poster presentations are invited dealing with any aspect of the Human-Animal Interaction.
For more information, please view this document.
1. Submit abstracts by e-mail to Sylvie Cloutier ( no later than September 23, 2013. The e-mail subject heading must read “BUSTAD SYMPOSIUM ABSTRACT”.
2. Notification of acceptance will be sent out no later than September 30, 2013.
3. Abstracts should consist of the title, names of authors (including first names, not just initials) and their institutional addresses (including e-mail), and the main body of the text. The main body should be single spaced, in a single paragraph, and no more than 300 words. Use the Times New Roman font, 12 point size. Abstracts must contain a clear statement of the purpose of the work, the methods used (including the number of animals or experimental units), the results obtained, and conclusions. Results should be presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions drawn. Except for theoretical contributions and review papers, submitted abstracts must contain data, indicate the method(s) of analysis, and provide information about statistical significance. References, tables or figures should not be included. Abstracts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format and the file should be named “BUSTAD Abstract YOUR SURNAME.doc”.
4. For further information, please contact Sylvie Cloutier at 509-335-7896 or