BSC 2016

Art. 1:

In 2004, the Belgian Society of Cardiology (BSC) established the Doctor Léon Dumont Prize. It is awarded every two years.

Art. 2:

The amount to be awarded for the 2016 prize is € 40,000 (forty thousand Euros). The amounts of the subsequent prizes will be established by the Board of the BSC.

Art. 3:

The amount to be awarded for the 2016 prize is € 40,000 (forty thousand Euros). The amounts of the subsequent prizes will be established by the Board of the BSC.

Art. 4:

The prize will be granted to a European researcher in cardiovascular medicine, working in a member country of the European Society of Cardiology (see for a list of countries).
Art. 5:

The candidate must be actively engaged in research and must be no more than 50 years of age on 31st December 2015.

Art. 6:

The completed application form, in English, must be accompanied by:

a) a cover letter;
b) the curriculum vitae of the candidate;
c) a summary of the articles published in connection with the research;
d) a presentation of the future research programme (maximum 5 pages);
e) if applicable, a disclosure of any potential conflict of interest.

All the above documents should be sent by e-mail only to the following address:
Art. 7:

The deadline for submission of the application form and accompanying documents is
11th November 2015. The form can be obtained from the address below or via de BSC

Art. 8:

The prize will be awarded by the Léon Dumont Fund, on the decision of a jury which will
be nominated before the application deadline by the Board of the Belgian Society of

Art. 9:

The jury will focus on both the originality and the potential implications of the future
research programme, as well as the curriculum vitae of the candidate.


In the absence of a suitable candidate the jury can decide not to award the prize.

Art. 11:

The winner of the prize will be informed of the jury’s decision by 31st December 2015.

Art. 12:

The prize money must be used to further the winner’s research programme and will be
transferred to the research account of his or her institute.

Art. 13:

The laureate will be required to give the “Dumont Prize Lecture” during the 35th BSC
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Society of Cardiology, on Friday 29th January

Art. 14:

The laureate will also be required to be present to receive the prize immediately after his
or her lecture on Friday 29th January 2016.