It is my great pleasure as president of the BSC to announce the 35th Annual Congress of the Belgian Society of Cardiology.
Our annual meeting once again will offer the Belgian cardiology community the opportunity to gather together in central Brussels for two days of intensive education and networking. Experts in various fields will contribute to a rich and varied program.
This year, the BSC scientific board has decided to be innovative with the congress format and introduce new initiatives to meet the expectations of its members. The following overview presents the
main points of the 35th edition:
- The
work of the BSC working groups will be highlighted with sessions dedicated to each speciality.
- Oral presentation of abstracts will be included in the working group sessions, giving the opportunity to researchers to present their scientific work to a
larger audience.
- The
ESC-BSC joint session will elucidate the new guidelines on Acute Coronary
Syndromes NSTE and Ventricular Arrhythmias & Sudden Cardiac Death.
- Socio-economical sessions are included; these will discuss the future direction of
cardiology not only from a scientific point of view but also in the relation with health authorities.
- The Young Investigator Award, Bernheim and Dumont Prizes laureate lectures will allow Belgian researchers to present their work. Moreover, the Awards Ceremony will be held during the ESC-BSC joint session, offering more visibility to the recipients of these awards.
- "Industry-supported
satellite symposia" will give the floor to high-level international speakers presenting topics such as
lipid lowering therapy, heart failure, management of cardiovascular risk
- A final session highlighting the key messages for delegates to take away, will conclude the 35th congress.
We have designed this congress
to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire field
of cardiology. We hope it will be a source of new scientific and educational energy for all participants to continue investing in the care of patients with cardiovascular problems, still the number one killer in the western world.
With enthusiastic and kind regards,
Prof Dr Agnès
Pasquet, MD, PhD
President of the Belgian Society of Cardiology