BSC 2016

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08:00 - 09:00
Registration & Welcome coffee

09:00 - 10:30

Parallel session 1: A practical Approach to Heart Failure
Session by Belgian Working Group on Heart Failure

Parallel session 2: PCSK9 inhibition: an important new therapeutic option for high risk patients with hypercholesterolemia
Satellite Symposium by Amgen

Pierre Troisfontaines -
Liège, BE
Walter Droogné - Leuven, BE

How to organize multi-disciplinary heart failure care?
David Raes -
Antwerp, BE

Heart failure; novel therapies on the horizon!
Matthias Dupont - Genk, BE

How to decongest?
Wilfried Mullens -
Genk, BE

Best Abstract presentation
Evolution of functional mitral regurgitation in heart
failure patients with reduced ejection fraction and
its prognostic implications
Lauranne Van Assche - Antwerp, BE
Catherine De Maeyer - Kalmthout, BE
Benedicte Heyndrickx - Brussels, BE

LDL-C hypothesis or LDL-C principle: the lower the better
Ernst Rietzschel - Ghent, BE

Familial hypercholesterolemia: need for better screening, diagnosis and management
Oliver Descamps - Jolimont, BE

PCSK9 inhibition: the road to effective management of high-risk patients
Erik Stroes - Amsterdam, NL

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 11:45

Plenary session 3: Putting a finger on the pulse of tomorrow's cardiology practice
Keynote session

Session 3: Ethics and economy

Agnès Pasquet -
Brussels, BE
Marc Claeys - Antwerp, BE

eHealth and the cardiologist
Frank Robben - Brussels, BE

The BSC vision for the future of cardiology
Agnès Pasquet - Brussels, BE

11:45 - 13:15

Parallel session 4: Exercise, nutrition and cardiac rehabilitation: a never-ending story
Session by Belgian Working Group on Cardiovascular and Rehabilitation
Parallel session 5: Long-term management of CV risk with OAP patients after an Acute Coronary Syndrome - Where do we go from here? 
Satellite Symposium by AstraZeneca

Catherine De Maeyer -
Kalmthout, BE
Hubert Dereppe - Tournai, BE

The EACPR EXPERT flowchart: an interactive digital tool that assists rehabilitation specialists in the prescription of training modalities
Dominique Hanssen - Hasselt, BE

Cariovascular disease and nutrition current situation
Christophe Matthys - Leuven, BE

Syncope during sport activities
Hein Heidbüchel - Hasselt, BE

Best Abstract presentation
Secondary prevention in CHD patients in Belgium: long-term Time trends based on the EUROASPIRE surveys
Delphine De Smedt - Ghent, BE

Walter Desmet -
Leuven, BE
Suzanne Pourbaix - Verlaine, BE

The one-year treatment duration: where are we now? 
Christophe Beauloye -
Brussels, BE

Is there an interest to treat the ACS patient after 1 year? 
Marco Valgimigli - Bern, CH

13:15 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:30


Parallel session 6: Atrial fibrillation and stroke risk management
Working Group Session by Belgian Heart Rhythm Association
Parallel session 7: Acute cardiac care in the pre-hospital setting 
Working Group Session by Belgian Interdisciplinary Working Group on Acute Cardiology

Ivan Blankoff -
Charleroi, BE
Yves Vandekerckhove - Bruges, BE

Acute stroke prevention and long-term neuroprotection in the ablated patient
Mattias Duytschaever - Bruges, BE

Best Abstract Presentation:
Atrial fibrillation and long terme risk for progression of mitral/tricuspid valve regurgitation
Carl Van Paesschen - Antwerp, BE

Atrial fibrilation: risk factor or risk marker
John Camm - London, UK
Christophe Beauloye -
Brussels, BE
Patrick Coussement - Bruges, BE

Pre-hospital medical management of STEMI: change of mind? 
Peter Sinnaeve - Leuven, BE

Urgent angiography and revascularisation for every cardiac arrest?
Christian Spaulding - Paris, FR

Mechanical support and ECMO during CPR: myth or reality? 
Olivier Van Caenegem - Brussels, BE

Best Abstract Presentation
Gene expression patterns indentifying the inflammatory response in patients with acute coronary syndrome: a prospective cohort study
Maarten Vanhaverbeke -
Leuven, BE

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee Break – Best Poster Competition
Between Copper and Silver Halls
Jury: Marc Claeys, Antwerp - Julie De Backer, Ghent - Agnès Pasquet, Brussels

16:00 - 17:30

Parallel session 8: Caring for the adult with congenital
heart disease

Session by Belgian Working Group on Adult Congenital
Heart Disease
Parallel session 9: New perspectives in HF Management 
Satellite Symposium by St. Jude Medical

Julie De Backer -
Ghent, BE
Antoine Bondue -
Brussels, BE 

Transitioning from pediatric cardiology - mind the gap! 
Eva Goossens - Leuven, BE

Non-Cardiac surgery in ACHD patients - do's and don'ts
Stefan Bouchez -
Gent, BE

Managing end-stage Heart Failure in ACHD patients -
what are the options?

Asif Hasan - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Best Abstract Presentation
Right ventricular structural and functional remodelling after transcatheter pulmonary valve implantation: Time matters
Efstathios Pagourelias -
Leuven, BE

Wilfried Mullens -
Genk, BE 
Pierre Troisfontaines -
Liège, BE

HF care, present and future
Wilfried Mullens - Genk, BE

State-of-the-Art in CRT: MultiPoint pacing
Christophe Leclercq - Rennes, FR

A new era in HF management: Remote hemodynamic monitoring
Birgit Assmus - Frankfurt, DE 

Prosthetic heart valves and Heart Failure
Bernard Cosyns - Brussels, BE


08:00 - 09:00
Registration & Welcome Coffee

09:00 - 10:30

Parallel session 10: DAPT: How soon? How long? Combined with anticoagulation?
Session by Belgian Working Group on Interventional Cardiology
Parallel session 11: The future of Cardiology
Working Group Session by Young Cardiologist Club

Luc Janssens - Bonheiden, BE
Claude Hanet - Yvoir, BE

How soon? 
Marco Valgimigli - Bern , CH

How long?
Walter Desmet - Leuven, BE

Combined with anticoagulation
Adel Aminian - Charleroi, BE

Best Abstract Presentation
Validation of the hybrid techniques for the percutaneous treatment of coronary chronic total occlusions: the RECHARGE registry
Joren Maeremans -
Hasselt, BE
Steven Droogmans - Brussels, BE 
Stéphanie Seldrum - Namur, BE

3D printing: Toy or Tool?
Werner Budts - Leuven, BE

Genetics in cadiology: what can we expect?
Pieter Koopman - Hasselt, BE

Best Abstract Presentation
Long-term outcome of atrial fibrillation ablation in 1000 patients
Yves De Greef - Antwerp, BE

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break - BSC & Acta Cardiologica General Assembly

11:00 - 11:45

Parallel session 12: YIA Abstracts Presentation

Parallel session 13: Laureate lectures Léon Dumont and Jaqueline Bernheim prizes

Peter Geelen - Aalst, BE
Guy Van Camp - Aalst, BE
Patrizio Lancellotti -
Liège, BE

Three best abstracts presentations
Platelet Endothelial Aggregation Receptor 1: a novel modifier of neo-angiogenesis
Christophe Vandenbriele - Leuven, BE

Targeting of Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 by 18F-labeled nanobodies for PET/CT imaging of inflamed atherosclerotic plaques
Gezim Bala - Brussels, BE

Osteoglycin prevents cardiac dilatation and dysfunction after myocardial infarction through infarct collagen strengthening
Lucas Van Aelst - Leuven, BE

Agnès Pasquet -
Brussels, BE
Marc Claeys -
Antwerp, BE

Jacqueline Bernheim Prize laureate
Lucas Van Aelst – Leuven, BE
Matricellular proteins and microRNAs: modulators and markers of cardiac inflammation and fibrosis

Doctor Léon Dumont Prize laureate
Bernhard Gerber – Brussels, BE
Pathophysiology of Development and Impact of Myocardial Fibrosis detected by Cardiac MRI in Valvular and Myocardial disease

11:45 - 13:15

Parallel session 14: ESC-BSC New Guidelines + Award Ceremony
ESC-BSC joint session + Presentation of the Léon Dumont, Jacqueline Bernheim, Best Poster and Young Investigator prizes
Parallel session 15: Heart failure keeps resulting in bad prognosis and high treatment costs: Is there hope on the horizon?
Satellite Symposium by Servier

Agnès Pasquet -
Brussels, BE
Marc Claeys -
Antwerp, BE

Acute Coronary Syndromes NSTE

Marco Roffi - Geneva, CH

Ventricular Arrhythmias & Sudden Cardiac Death
Silvia Priori - Pavia, IT

Wilfried Mullens - Genk, BE
Anne-Catherine Pouleur - Brussels, BE

How can we avoid hospitalization and rehospitalization of heart failure patients? 
Pierre Troisfontaines - Liège, BE

Cardiac function and hospitalization in heart failure
Christoph Maack - Homburg/Saar, DE

Heart rate reduction to improve cardiac rehabilitation in heart failure patients
Philippe Meurin - Villeneuve-Saint-Denis, FR

13:15 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:30

Parallel session 16: Imaging left ventricular hypertrophy
Session by Belgian Working Group of Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging
Parallel session 17: The dawn of a new era in LDL-C lowering therapy
Satellite Symposium by Sanofi

Bernard Cosyns - Brussels, BE
Agnès Pasquet - Brussels, BE

Imaging left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertension
Frank Timmermans - Ghent, BE

Role of imaging in athletes with LV hypertrophy
Nico Van de Veire - Ghent, BE

Multimodality imaging of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Antonello D'andrea - Italy

Multimodality imaging in cardiac amyloidosis
Bernhard Gerber - Brussels, BE

Best Abstract Presentation
Patient-specific numerical modelling of the mitral valve apparatus using 3-dimensional echocardiography
Philippe B. Bertrand -
Genk, BE
Marc Claeys - Antwerp, BE
Olivier Descamps - La Louvière, BE

Prevalence and management of potential FH in coronary patients: results from the EuroAspire IV survey
Guy De Backer - Ghent, BE

New options for patients with FH
Michel Farnier - Dijon, FR

No mercy for LDL-C: time for zero tolerance
Peter Sinnaeve - Leuven, BE

15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break

16:00 - 18:00 Plenary session 18: Take-home messages from the BSC Working Groups
Closing session

Agnès Pasquet - Brussels, BE
Marc Claeys - Antwerpen, BE
Guy Van Camp - Aalst, BE

What should you remember from this congress for your daily practice

BWG on Interventional Cardiology (BWGIC)
Walter Desmet - Leuven, BE

Belgian Heart Rhythm Association (BeHRA)
Yves Vandekerckhove - Bruges, BE

BWG on Non-invasive Cardiac Imaging (BWGNICI)
Bernard Cosyns – Brussels, BE

BWG on Heart Failure and Cardiac Function (BWGHFCF)
Walter Droogné - Leuven, BE

BWG on Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BWGCPR)
Ines Frederix
- Hasselt, BE

Belgian Interdisciplinary Working Group on Acute Cardiology (BIWAC)
Christophe Beauloye, Brussels, BE

BWG on Adult Congenital Heart Disease (BWGACHD)
Julie De Backer – Ghent, BE

Young Cardiologists Club (YCC)

Steven Droogmans – Brussels, BE