Do you know an exceptional Practice Administrator? Nominate them for the prestigious 2016 Practice Administrator of the Year Award! The winner will be announced on Thursday, September 15th at the conference in Boca Raton.
Cecilia Mescain, FAADOM 2015 Practice Administrator of the Year

The winner of the Practice Administrator of the Year Award will receive:
- $1,000 Prize
- Cover Feature in THE OBSERVER Magazine
- Practice Administrator of the Year Award
- Exposure throughout the dental industry and dental press
- Complimentary AADOM Lifetime Membership
- Free tuition to 2017 Dental Management Conference
The deadline for Practice Administrator of the Year nominations is Friday July 8, 2016. Nominees must also be registered for the conference by July 8, 2016 to be considered. Click HERE to review the requirements for Practice Administrator of the Year candidates and submit your nomination.

AADOM President Heather Colicchio, Cecilia Mescain, FAADOM and Kirk Sweigard, Senior Manager, Business Development at CareCredit
Read about Cecilia Mescain and past Practice Administrators of the Year HERE!
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