Global Clean Energy 2010
This major conference will bring together energy business leaders, financiers and project developers, as well as policymakers from the very highest levels of government, to discuss the drivers of investment, the commercial challenges and the future of clean energy.

Key speakers include:

H. E. José Sócrates
Carvalho Pinto de Sousa

Prime Minister of Portugal
Fritz Vahrenholt
Chief Executive Officer,
RWE Innogy
Jeremy Rifkin
Founder and president, Foundation on Economic Trends
Virginia Sonntag-O'Brien
Executive Secretary,
REN21, United Nations Environment Program
Rajendra Pachauri
Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Michael Lewis
Managing Director, Europe, E.ON Climate & Renewables
Join delegates from Rabobank, Clifford Chance, Cisco, China Three Gorges Corporation, Accenture, Sony, ING, HSBC, UniCredit, and many more - register now!