(limited seating; register early for your favorite combo)
Compete Smart plant tours at no extra cost thanks to support from Montana Hydraulics, Felco Industries, Pacific Steel & Recycling and General Distributing. The tour host companies reserve the right to review and approve tour participant lists. Safety gear is required at several sites. Please wear close-toes shoes, no loose clothing, and bring your safety glasses if you have them. If selecting Option C, please wear industrial hard-toed shoes if you have them. No cameras, please.
Option A: Bus to Wood’s Powr-Grip & Big Sky Woodcrafters. Great option for Exhibitors or back in time for Hot Seat!
Option B: Bus to Red Oxx Mfg, Aligned Medical Solutions (formerly Windstone Medical Packaging) & Beall Trailer of Montana
Option C: Bus to Roscoe Steel & Culvert and MRL Equipment. This option comes with two sub-options that will allow you to select one rotation of the two-part tour after pre-session III or before pre-sessions IV or V (see registration detail).
BONUS PRE-SESSIONS, morning of Oct. 7, 2010
(session are 1.5 hours unless noted; Pre-I and Pre-II not available with Plant Tour selections)
click presenter name to view brief bio
I: Opportunity – Government Contracting: Are You Ready? 3.5 hr
This session will enhance your understanding of the requirements of government contracting and the know-how to obtain and successfully fulfill federal, state and local government contracts.
Jason Porch, PTAC Sub-Center Manager, Montana Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC)
II: Professionalize for Business Expansion, 3.5 hr
This session will explore professionalizing sales, understand media and marketing, managing your information to make decisions and identifying employee and consulting needs; most importantly, when and how these decisions are made.
Rebecca Engum, SBDC Center Director, Great Falls, Small Business Development Center/ Great Falls Development Authority
Pre-Session III: Creating Opportunity: Trade Show Strategies
Learn strategies to help you increase your trade show exhibiting ROI – even your first. Uncover tips to outsmart – not outspend – competition. Learn the mechanics of selecting, attending & promoting a trade show. More on state opportunities & programs to help finance trade show marketing domestically & abroad. Plus peer perspectives.
Lonie Stimac, Senior Marketing Officer, Office of Trade & International Relations, Montana Department of Commerce
Pre-Session IV: Motivating Your Sales Force To Success
End the misconceptions about sales that can translate into actions that instead of motivating a salesperson toward success spiral to defeat. This session will break down key elements of a salesperson’s world and help identify how management can come along side to maximize success, translating into more profit.
Pre-Session V: Introduction to Business: Is Your Business Idea Viable?
Determine if your business idea will also create profit by breaking it into manageable parts. This session will look at the business plan, planning and researching your market, needed sales and the costs of doing business—your cash flow. Also a review of programs and resources designed to assist veterans starting a business.
Chris Parson, SBDC Director, Kalispell, Small Business Development Center/ Kalispell Chamber