TRACK Session Descriptions & Presenters |
The following is an overview of the content of each breakout session by Track.
Important Note: Sessions ending with 1 & 2 are on Day One; Sessions ending with 3 or 4 are on Day Two.
To view presenter photo and brief bio, click on name below each session.
Track A Track B Track C Track D Track E Track F Important Note: Sessions ending with 1 & 2 are on Day One; Sessions ending with 3 or 4 are on Day Two.
To view presenter photo and brief bio, click on name below each session.
A-1 Social Media: Fad or the Standard for Business?
Customer feedback drives competitive advantage. Are you being left behind? Learn what social media tools are better for B2B and how you can position your company as a leader using them. Tap into “the conversation.” Come away with a better understanding and how to get started.
Rebecca Engum, SBDC Center Director, Great Falls, Small Business Development Center/ Great Falls Development Authority
A-2 Market Diversification: Are You Ready?
Get peer perspectives and reduce risk in new market development by reviewing elements you need in sales & marketing processes in order to take on new markets. Learn to see products in terms of product functions and attributes and how to use those to identify new market segments. Peer perspectives: Bryan and Barry Wood & Joe Landsverk, Wood’s Powr-Grip
Leesa Nopper, Marketing & Business Consultant, Montana Manufacturing Extension Center, MT Dept. of Commerce B2B Marketing Program
A-3 & 4 Innovation Engineering: The "3 Cs" to Grow Profit
(2-part session - 3 hrs) Accelerate innovation in your company with a more systematic approach to growth. Creating dramatic difference in your sales message increases your marketing effectiveness by a factor of 5. Attend this hands-on workshop for innovation techniques to create new ideas in marketing, process improvement or products/services to increase profitable growth. Communicate new concepts to your organization and customers in clear overt benefits. Commercialize the best concepts by using the Scientific Method.
Todd Daniels, MMEC Field Engineer, Montana Manufacturing Extension Center, Trained Brain
B-1 Got Waste? Explore Non-Value-Added thru a Lean Lens
Learn to see waste, develop your skills and gain peer perspectives using photos taken of typical company operations as participants identify whether the activity is value-added, non-value added but essential or pure waste.
It’s not as simple as you think.
It’s not as simple as you think.
Kreg Worrest, MilTech Engineer (former MMEC Field Engineer, Missoula), MilTech
B-2 Leverage Lean Beyond the Production Floor
Is your front office operating day to day buried under a tangle of waste – mounting paper, endless meetings, errors/rework, & reports nobody reads? Learn how to convert Lean concepts to the office environment where an estimated 25-60 percent of product cost resides. Transmit the benefits of Lean to your customers through administrative process improvements.
Vikki Fosjord, Director of Quality Assurance, EBMS (Employee Benefit Management Services)
B-3 From Lean to Lasting: Making Lean Enterprise Transformation Stick
Explore this proven method of making operational changes with results that don’t erode away over time. Get an “Ah haaa” moment on why projects weren’t as successful as you’d hoped as you examine how a holistic enterprise-wide Lean approach is proactive and more responsive to changing customer demand, capturing productivity improvements and ensuring sustainability. Learn how to combine Leadership, Culture and Technical Tools to achieve the long term results necessary to survive AND thrive.
Bill Nicholson, MMEC Field Engineer, Montana Manufacturing Extension Center
B-4 Lean Accounting for A True Picture of Lean Gains
Accounting driving you crazy during Lean implementations? Lean operational improvements will have negative effects on a company’s traditional financial statements. This session will identify typical trouble spots and show how Lean Accounting better supports Lean. Explore a “Plain English” financial statement for what’s going on with materials costs, labor costs and other factory costs, and a reporting format shop personnel can understand and use for effective decisions on the shop floor.
Kreg Worrest, MilTech Engineer (former MMEC Field Engineer, Missoula), MilTech
C-1 & 2 DiSC Profile & Communication, 3 hrs (Limit 20 - register early for this one!)
(2-part session - 3hrs) Your success, both personally and professionally, is closely tied to your ability to effectively communicate. Take the DiSC profile and learn a simple, yet proven method of using your knowledge of “Type” preferences and how to optimize communications. What you learn will help you become a more dynamic and efficient communicator. Profiles provided courtesy of Associated Employers. (2-part session)
Paul Hutter, Director of Management Development, Associated Employers
C-3 Be a Leader People Want To Follow
This session will cover the nature of effective leadership and the supporting attitudes and actions necessary to be the kind of leader people will respond to. Participants will discuss the impact leaders’ influence and personal choices have on the people they lead. Learn to identify your personal leadership style and ways to adapt your style to encourage employees
not only follow but support the company vision and objectives.
not only follow but support the company vision and objectives.
Paul Bentley D Min., Program Director & Instructor, Leadership Program, MSU Extended University
C-4 More Success Dealing With Your People: The Art of Feedback
Giving constructive feedback make you sweat? Think it’s easier to just avoid giving feedback? Do recipient’s emotional reactions leave you tongue-tied? Nearly 75% of leadership careers derail due lack of skills in this area. Gain a lasting positive impact on and from the people you lead after this performance management session on the art of give and take. Improve productivity, morale; get everyone rowing the same direction.
Dave Meldahl , Principle, Meldahl Leadership Consulting, LLC
D-1 PANEL: Navigate the Maze of Business Financial Aid
Learn the types of business financial assistance available for your growth initiatives, from loan options to grants including Incumbent Worker Training, trade adjustment support, special tax credits for manufacturers and more. Find out which ones fit your goals and which can help overcome your challenges. Moderator: Michelle Johnston, District Director, Small Business Administration & Resource Panelists: Patrick Meuleman, NWTAAC; Brandon Berger, CDC504 Big Sky Economic Development; Jillann Knutson, Beartooth RC&D; Terry Alborn, JCCS Accounting Firm;
Chris Wilhelm, MT Dept. of Labor & Industry
Chris Wilhelm, MT Dept. of Labor & Industry
Michelle Johnston, District Director , Montana District Office, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
D-1a " New Session Added" Building a Native American Business (Case Study)
Hear a peer perspective on how a Native American entrepreneur built his company in Billings. Join Tom Dailey of American Steel, a steel
fabricator in Billings, and Leonard Smith of the NADC PTAC for more about the
unique opportunities for Native American-owned business in this session.
Leonard Smith, Native American Development Corporation, Procurement
Leonard Smith, Native American Development Corporation, Procurement
D-2a Safety: It’s Your Bottom Line
Learn more about Montana’s high injury rate and how it negatively impacts profitability. Focus will be on why workplace safety matters and early return-to-work/stay-at-work programs in Montana businesses. Brief review of the causes behind Montana’s relatively high work comp insurance rates, and what we can do to bring them down. Peer perspectives, a case study from Simms Fishing Products.
Carl Kochman, Montana State Fund
D-2b Native American Veteran Entrepreneurs & SBA Partnering for Success
Heritage will present successful scenarios for the Native American Veteran Business owner; discover financial assistance available from SBA and other sources. We will discuss franchising opportunities for the Veteran Community as well as identify roadblocks that may occur & what organizations are available to assist the Veteran in the operation or
creation of a company. Late instructor change notice: Greg Estep will lead this session.
Jeff Estep, Heritage Global Solutions, member Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
creation of a company. Late instructor change notice: Greg Estep will lead this session.
Jeff Estep, Heritage Global Solutions, member Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
D-3 Managing your Business with Spot-On Cost Models
Normal financial statements are not adequate to know how well the business is doing today or this week. Production facilities & job shops benefit from this important workshop introducing several financial modeling tools to help with estimating, production planning, maintaining a full shop, determining product costs or shop rates, and labor resource planning. Discover Activity Based Costing and how to model your business from a cost standpoint.
Mark Shyne, MMEC Field Engineer, Bozeman region, Montana Manufacturing Extension Center
D-4 Get ERP Right the First Time: Determining Fit & ROI
The emerging economy has changed the game...If you plan on competing domestically with new international competition, lean efficient material management benefits are the key competitive advantage. Discover the true ROI of implementing lean practices for Material Management and Procurement. Learn about the Four Tricks that saved one company over $1,000,000 and allows it to beat China at their own game.
Marc Atnipp, Global Shop Solutions
E-1 Energize Your Enterprise Efficiency: Why It Matters, Who Can Help
Join in the discussion of the positive impacts green manufacturing & energy efficiency have on business and the bottom-line results that can be achieved. Just cutting energy costs can generate a 10:1 return on investment. Hear more on opportunities & technical and funding resources that can advance your green & clean initiatives.
Panel moderator: Tom Livers, MT Department of Environmental Quality; Panelists: Sandi Glatt, DOE;
Jim Haider, MMEC; Brian Spangler, DEQ; and Energy Specialists from NorthWestern Energy & MDU
E-2 Pumping System Energy Efficiency, Reliability -- Two Sides of the Same Coin
Did you know energy dominates the ownership costs of motor-driven pumps? In this session you will learn more about the two-sided coin of pump efficiency/pump reliability. Learn how to identify likely pumping system cost reduction opportunities. Discover sources of additional help to improve your systems and your bottom line.
Don Casada, Consulting Engineer, U.S. DOE Specialist, Diagnostic Solutions, LLC
E-3 Why Care About Compressed Air?
Attend this session and discover why you should “care about air”? Review the history and costs of compressed air & how efficient it is. Find how you can save 15 to 20% of your cost of compressed air, whether your plant is a candidate for an efficiency upgrade and what utility incentives are available to help offset capital costs.
Jeff Yarnall PE, Level 1 & Level 2 Instructor, Compressed Air Challenge, US Dept of Energy, Rogers Machinery, Inc
E-4 Wind Project Opportunities & Emerging Technologies to Watch w/Case Study
Get the latest on emerging energy technologies to watch in a report out on developing green opportunities & jobs for Montana. Learn more about capabilities, limitations, and opportunity in wind-generated electrical power in Montana from the Montana Wind Applications Center at MSU. Peer perspective: case study on a creative alternative energy effort bringing double-edged benefits to Algae Aqua-Culture Technologies, Whitefish. (invited)
Jim Haider PE, MMEC Energy Specialist, Montana Manufacturing Extension Center
F-1 Protecting Your Intellectual Property in Today’s Global Market
Protecting intellectual property (IP) in foreign countries is crucial for doing business abroad. Come learn about mechanisms like international patent and trademark treaties in place for protecting your IP on an international level, common pitfalls and how our IP laws differ from those of many countries. Learn about disclosure rules that can result in your invention being in the public domain before you are ready & importance of written agreements with your foreign distributors.
Antoinette Tease, Registered Patent Attorney, Antoinette M. Tease, PLLC
F-2 Gain an Edge: The Ins & Outs of Export Financing/ Refinancing
What good is a sale if you don’t get paid? Panelists in this session will help you understand and leverage methods of payment and financing options to entice foreign buyers and protect your receivables against nonpayment. Learn about resources to get you started or to improve your tactics. Q& A. -- Moderator: Nicole Hagerman, MWTC. Panelists: Inga Fisher Williams, SBA; Mark Garfield, Zions Bank; Dave Glaser, MCDC; Ex-Im Bank (invited)
Nicole Hagerman, Project Manager, Montana World Trade Center
F-3 Tools for Your Export Toolbox? Positioning for International Success
This session will focus on knowing where you’re going and how to be prepared, plus the importance of having a strategic approach to international business. Learn how to effectively develop an international business strategy. Gain information on resources and funding available to help your business go global. -- Panel Moderator: Arnie Sherman, Executive Director, Montana World Trade Center. Panelists: Carey Hester, US Commercial Service; Sara Warren, MT Department of Commerce International Trade & Relations Bureau; Michelle Johnston, Small Business Administration; Angie DeYoung, Montana Department of Agriculture
Arnie Sherman, Executive Director, Montana World Trade Center
F-4 Global Success Stories: Lessons Learned from Montana Businesses
We’re all in this together...businesses helping each other on the global front is key. Come get to know some of the successful Montana players and learn first-hand what worked – and what didn’t; the importance of due diligence (knowing who you’re doing business with in the market); the importance of vetting customers and having a company policy in place with everyone on board. This session is a follow-on to F-3 but that session is not a pre-requisite to attend this session. Panel Moderator: Steve Holland, MMEC Director.
Peer Perspectives with Barry Wood, Wood’s Powr-Grip; Jim Spielman & Steve Shinners, MRL;
Kathy McLane, SRS Crisafulli
Peer Perspectives with Barry Wood, Wood’s Powr-Grip; Jim Spielman & Steve Shinners, MRL;
Kathy McLane, SRS Crisafulli
Steve Holland, Director, Montana Manufacturing Extension Center