Canadian Geriatric Society
33rd Annual Scientific Meeting
of the Canadian Geriatrics Society
April 18-20, 2013
Leading Edge Learning in Geriatrics
Dedicated to the Health of Older Canadians

On behalf of the Canadian Geriatrics Society (CGS), I would like to invite you to join us at the CGS Annual Scientific Meeting that is scheduled to take place on April 18 to 20, 2013 in Toronto, Canada.
This year our Meeting promises to attract Geriatricians, Family Physicians, Geriatric Psychiatrists, specialists in Internal Medicine, Pharmacists, Geriatric Nurses, researchers in aging, and other allied health professionals with an interest in the clinical care of older persons. Together with fellows in Geriatric Medicine and Health Care of the Elderly; residents in Internal Medicine and Family Medicine; medical students and trainees in other health disciplines, we are confident that you will enjoy this extraordinary educational and networking experience.
The 2013 CGS Annual Scientific Meeting will feature many distinguished speakers from Canada and abroad. Register early to enjoy the Early Bird Registration discounts.
We look forward to welcoming you to this premier event of the CGS in the exciting city of Toronto.
With warm regards,
Roger Y.M. Wong, BMSc, MD, FRCPC, FACP
President, Canadian Geriatrics Society


On behalf of the Organizing Committee for the CGS 2013 Annual Meeting, we look forward to welcoming you to Toronto April 18-20, 2013.

Developed by a terrific committee of family physicians and specialists who are experts in care of the elderly, this year’s program will have something to offer everyone who cares for an older person. Exciting plenary speakers include Dr. Mary Tinetti from Yale University, a world-renowned Geriatrician, and Dr. Wendy Levinson from the University of Toronto, one of Canada’s top internals medicine specialists. Both will address issues in making choices and setting priorities in the care of older adults with complex health problems. Workshops will allow you to delve deeply into such topics as: osteoporosis, frailty, drug management in elders, and the recently updated Canadian Consensus Guidelines on the Assessment of Dementia.

And we will have innovative programming this year geared to primary care providers, delivered by your colleagues who have a deep understanding of the care of elders in the primary care setting. Look for the special session mid-day on Saturday – it even includes lunch!

So register early in order to take advantage of the early registration discount. We are confident you will find this meeting, in one of the world’s most multi-cultural and exciting cities, a very worthwhile learning and professional opportunity!

Best Regards,

Heather Gilley, MD, FRCPC

Geriatrician, St. Michael’s Hospital
Assistant Professor, The University of Toronto


The committee invites doctors, residents and other healthcare professionals working with seniors in their daily practices looking to acquire new knowledge in order to provide older patients with better quality service. Most of the talks and parallel sessions will be held in English, with simultaneous interpretation provided (for French sessions only).
All physicians, allied health care professionals, medical students, residents, fellows and researchers are encouraged to join the membership. For more information, please click here: