Canadian Geriatric Society

Call the Marriott toll-free: 1 800 905 0667
You may book your hotel room by following the link below. It will direct you to the property's home page with the negotiated rate code already entered in the appropriate field so you can easily make your room reservation:
Hotel NameToronto Mariott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel
Contact DetailsPhone: 1 800 905 0667
Room Rate InfoSingle $185 Double $185 Triple $205 Quads $225 Hotel room rates are subject to 13% HST.
Block DetailsReservations must be received by Monday, March 25, 2013 to receive the special rate.
AirportToronto Pearson International Airport - YYZ Airport Phone: 1 866 207 1690 This hotel does not provide shuttle service. Alternate transportation: Airport Express; fee: 19 CAD (one way) ;on request Bus service, fee: 19 CAD (one way) Estimated taxi fare: 50 CAD (one way)
Additional InfoTo receive the special room rate, please refer to the CANADIAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY when making your hotel reservation