Canadian Geriatric Society
To download the program as a pdf, click here

Overall Conference Objectives:

By the end of the meeting, participants will
  1. Have a sharpened focus and understanding of common presentations of the older adult in their own practice settings;
  2. Be able to apply new evidence in caring for the frail older adult in their own practice setting.


(Click on speaker's name to open each presentation.) 


Recruitment to Geriatric Medicine- Successful Strategies from an International Perspective


Providing Better Care for Older Canadians
RCPSC Specialty Committee Business Meeting
Terum Izukawa
Sponsored SymposiumL Osteoperosis
Alexandra Papaioannou, Sid Feldman 
New Canadian Consensus Conference Guidelines on Assessment of Dementia
Subcortial Dementias
Amer Burhan, Mario Masellis, Ken Rockwood 
Polypharmacy and the Management of Multiple Chronic Conditions in the Elderly
Choosing Wisely
CGS Annual Business Meeting
Primary Care Breakfast
CGS Foundation Business Meeting
Frank Molnar
University Division Directors Business Meeting
Sharon Straus, Sharon Marr


Health Outcome Prioritization as a Tool for Decision Making Among Older Persons With Multiple Chronic Conditions
CGS CPD Comittee Business Meeting
Janet Kushner-Kow
Frailty and Geriatric Medicine: Our Burden or Our Glory?
Melissa Andrew, Kenneth Rockwood
Senior- Friendly Hospitals
Ken Wong, Barbara Liu, Sharon Straus, Camilla Wong
Care of Elders in Primary Care: Clinical Pearls and Practice Tips
SGIG Meeting
Top 10 Articles 2012
Conference Closing and Presentations of Geriatric Interest Group Video Booth Award
Jose Morais
OMA Section on Geriatrics Business Meeting
Andrew Baker 

This program has been accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 12.5 Mainpro-M1 credits.
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the Canadian Geriatrics Society. Through an agreement between the American Medical Association and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada the Canadian Geriatrics Society designated this live educational activity, the Canadian Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting, for a maximum of 15 AMA PRA category 1 credit(s). Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.