Exhibitor Registration Fees
Vendor Members No Fee Booth & (1) Rep
Add'l Rep $525
Non-members $2795
Add'l Rep(s) $1050 each
Monday Training - Motor-Driven Pump System Interaction
FOMIS Member Vendor $345
Non-Member Vendor $795
Monday Safety Manager's Forum
(included in initial registration fee)
Take advantage of a chance to increase
awareness of your company’s value to RAPID member utilities
Showcase your products and services at the 61st FOMIS Conference Exhibit. The Exhibit Hall will open on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 7:00am and close on Wednesday afternoon, directly after lunch. Set up will be on Monday, June 15th from 1:00pm until 5:00pm. Breakfast and lunch will be served in the Exhibit Hall. Lunches will be from 12:00pm - 1:30pm increasing times and opportunities for suppliers to meet with utility attendees. Sponsorships are an excellent way to gain recognition and publicity for your company while supporting a valued industry conference. Click here to download a copy of Sponsorship Opportunities.