CAE/Audit Leader Insight Series: Audit Committee Hot Topics and Trends for 2025

CPE Credits Offered through the IIA Twin Cities Chapter

The Twin Cities IIA provides one hour of CPE for each 50 minutes of training, either through roundtables or training courses. These CPE credits will be recognized by The IIA for IIA certification purposes.

There are a variety of certifications and certifying bodies, many with different requirements. Unless otherwise noted, the CPE credits available for attendees at roundtables and training courses do not qualify for NASBA CPE.

Each event attendee is responsible for maintaining their own CPE records, determining if they have met their annual CPE requirements, and responding to certification and/or CPE audit inquiries. If you are the subject of a CPE audit by The Institute of Internal Auditors, please refer to the information below.

CPE Audits

At the November 3, 2005 board meeting of the Twin Cities Chapter of The Institute of Internal Auditors (TCIIA), the Board approved a new process for providing supporting documentation of attendance at Chapter-sponsored roundtables or training sessions for members who are being audited by The Institute of Internal Auditors.

The Chapter office will maintain Attendance Logs for each Chapter-sponsored roundtable session and training program, and will provide a copy of Attendance Logs to session attendees that are having their continuing professional education (CPE) hours “audited.” The Attendance Log will note the session title, date, and start and end times. The Attendance Log will contain signatures of each participant at in-person sessions. A download of a Zoom meeting Participant Report will serve as the Attendance Log for virtual sessions and will show the number of minutes each participant was in attendance. The Attendance Log and Participant Report will not note the number of continuing professional education (CPE) hours each participant earns.

TCIIA board members agreed that it is each IIA member’s ethical responsibility to report CPE information accurately to IIA headquarters. Any member who attended a Roundtable session or training program that took place on or after January 1, 2006 and needs documentation to evidence one’s attendance for “audit” purposes, may send an email to the TCIIA Chapter office at The Chapter office will then provide the member with a copy of the requested Attendance Log.

When IIA headquarters requests a member's CPE records, the member is required to provide “a letter,certificate, or other written independent attestation of course completion.” TCIIA board members believe that the Attendance Log fulfills this requirement.

Revised: 08/24/2022