IIA Houston June 2024 Webinar - IA Strategy & Digital Transformation
Angela Tran
Former: Director of Strategy & Staff Development @ BNY Mellon
Current: Entrepreneur of Everolving Skills, LLC

Angela Tran is the President and Founder of Everolving Skills, LLC. After a successful career as a Strategic, Talent Development, and Data & Analytics Leader in Internal Audit, Angela is becoming an entrepreneur to close the growing skills gap in our dynamic environment.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has again taken center stage and is rapidly changing the ecosystem we operate in, but what about HI (Human Intelligence)? How do we fit into the equation? Angela has chosen to dedicate her time and passion in solving this problem and become a leading catalyst for transformative skills development.

Follow her journey on LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/in/angela-tran-7627473