2025 AFBF Fusion Conference
Giving Back
Are you ready to give back to the vibrant community of Denver while at FUSION? We invite you to join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need through our exciting donation opportunities and community service experiences. Whether you're traveling with a suitcase or eager to roll up your sleeves and serve, we've got something for you!
1. Donate
Traveling to Denver? Why not pack a little extra? When FUSION registration opens, we will announce an opportunity to bring an item to donate with you. Simply pack the donation in your suitcase, and when you arrive, there will be a collection spot on site.
2. Participate
Want to go beyond donating and get involved hands-on as well? We offer unique community service opportunities on site during the event where you can join with other conference attendees to give back to local organizations that are making a difference every day. Spend a coffee break on a project like food packing, filling a backpack or packing hygiene bags. This is a chance to connect with other FUSION attendees, meet like-minded individuals, and see the direct impact of your efforts.
3. Volunteer
If you would like to be a part of the incredible work being done in Denver, you can sign up for a community service volunteer opportunity during the Monday tours time slot. When registration opens, all tours and the volunteer opportunity will be available for you to choose from.
American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
In addition to all of the opportunities to serve the local Dever community, conference attendees will also have an opportunity to support the Foundation for Agriculture! This is our opportunity to support their incredible work of building awareness and understanding of agriculture among educators, in classrooms and in communities all across the nation!
We are stronger together! Join us at FUSION and support those in need!