Frequently Asked Questions |
Q: What are the ideal travel days for the conference?
A: Our suggestion is to arrive on Friday afternoon, March 7th, and depart on Tuesday morning, March 11th. The Grand Finale Event will conclude Monday evening around 10:30 p.m. We encourage state committee Chairs to arrive Friday morning and attend the state chair training and networking session that will start at 1pm.
Q: Does the hotel have a shuttle to and from the airport?
A: No, there will not be shuttles available from the airport to the hotels. Denver does have a light rail that runs to and from the airport to downtown Denver. Learn more here.
Q: Why is there a cost associated with some tours but not with others?
A: Depending on the location and activities, some tours are more expensive than others. Many of the tours are included in your registration cost. Tours with additional costs are noted as such on the registration site.
Q: Are any and all Farm Bureau Members invited to attend this conference?
A: Yes! The focus of the conference is for members of the Promotion & Engagement, Women’s Leadership and Young Farmers & Ranchers programs, but the conference is open to any Farm Bureau member.
Q: What meals are provided with general registration?
A: Light refreshments will be provided during the Opening Reception and during the Saturday Entertainment. Lunch is provided at the hotel on Saturday and Sunday, and a boxed lunch is provided to those attending a tour on Monday. Dinner is provided on Sunday and Monday evenings.
Q: Can someone register on-site?
A: No. Unfortunately, there is no onsite registration.
Q: Will FUSION be held every year?
A: The Farm Bureau FUSION Conference is held every other year (in odd numbered years). In even years, each program has their own event. The YF&R Leadership Conference is offered (in various locations) for Young Farmers & Ranchers, the Women’s Leadership program hosts the Women’s ACE (Advocate, Cultivate, Empower) Summit in Washington D.C. and the Promotion & Engagment program offers a consumer engagement skill building conference called Target Training (in various locations).
Q: What is the general dress code for the conference?
A: Attendees are encouraged to wear nice to business casual on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with a program wearable on Sunday. With tours taking place on Monday, attendees are encouraged to wear nice casual clothes with closed toe shoes. Collegiate Discussion Meet competitors are asked to wear business professional when competing.