2024 International Meeting Amsterdam
Exhibit and/or Advertise at the International Meeting
If you have never worked with us at the International Meeting, please feel free to reach out via email at internationameeting@sbl-site.org with any questions you might have about the process. Have a custom sponsorship in mind? Get in touch!
Advertising and Exhibiting Opportunities
   Item  Rate
Program Book
(artwork due by 6/1/2024)
Full Page $200
Exhibit Table
(book by 5/31/2024)
 Each Table  $300

Shipping to the Meeting

All exhibitors must ship their materials to our shipping partner by July 1, 2024. Absolutely NO direct shipping to the university. Any materials not shipped to our shipping partner will need to be shipped to your hotel, then delivered to the university by hand, during set-up. Each exhibitor will receive instruction for shipping to the meeting (via our shipping partner) by May 30. If you have not yet received instructions, please send an email to internationalmeeting@sbl-site.org. All shipped boxes must be clearly marked with the name of the sender company.

Exhibitor Registration

Exhibitors will be granted ONE complimentary registration per exhibit table. Additional Registrations are available at an additional cost. Please contact internationalmeeting@sbl-site.org to register your staff.

Exhibitor Set-up and Tear-down Schedule
Set-up Sunday, July 28: 10AM-4PM
Tear-Down Coming soon

Exhibit material pickup:

More information on exhibit material pickup is forthcoming.