2024 Houston IIA Annual Conference - Sponsors

The fees for the sponsorships are documented below:

Sponsorship Type


Platinum Plus  $5,500
Platinum  $4,200
Gold  $2,500


IIA–Houston Chapter Event Refund and Cancellation Policy - 2024 Annual Conference Sponsorships

Cancellations are not allowed for sponsorships.  No refunds will be given.  Questions about the cancellation policy should be addressed to the Wilson Van Tine (Registration Chair) at conferenceregistration@houstoniia.org.


2024 Sponsor Benefits

All Sponsors will receive the following benefits:

  • Booth space 10’ X 10’ with one electrical outlet
  • One 8’ folding table with white cloth skirt and two chairs (or bring your own booth/skirt)
  • Pre‐Conference electronic listing of registered participants’ name and company information (excludes participants that elect to opt-out)
  • Badge scanner technology to capture participant information as they visit your booth
  • Conference website, app and virtual platform recognition of your firm’s logo by sponsor level
  • Firm sponsor information in Conference app and Inspire virtual platform 

Platinum Plus

  • Priority selection of booth exhibit space (over Platinum and Gold sponsors)
  • General Session or concurrent session to sponsor (includes logo display in remote viewing platform during one of the six available pre-determined remote sessions)
  • Sponsor recognition and signage for one Conference feature, including: registration, luncheon, morning or afternoon breaks, networking reception, Conference app, Conference program matrix handout, General Sessions table decorations, or photo  booth
  • Description of your firm’s service or product (100-words max) in the Conference app
  • Five (5) complimentary participant registrations to attend the 2024 Annual Conference for unrestricted use (e.g., non‐members, guests, or clients)
  • Two (2) complimentary booth staff
  • One (1) dedicated internet connection (incremental to the complimentary NRG access)


  • Priority selection of booth exhibit space (over Gold sponsors)
  • General Session or concurrent session to sponsor (includes logo display in remote viewing platform during one of the six available pre-determined remote sessions)
  • Recognition as a Platinum sponsor at General Sessions and luncheon
  • Description of your firm’s service or product (100-words max) in the Conference app
  • Three (3) complimentary participant registrations to attend the 2024 Annual Conference for unrestricted use (e.g., non‐members, guests, or clients)


  • Recognition as a Gold sponsor in the General Sessions
  • One (1) complimentary participant registration to attend the 2024 Annual Conference for unrestricted use (e.g., non-members, guests, or clients)