6th International Conference on Laser Peening and Related Phenomena
Student Scholarships
Postgraduate (MSc, PhD) students enrolled at any African University are encouraged to apply for a limited number of Full and Partial Student Scholarships to encourage them to participate in the 6th ICLPRP. Recipients of the scholarship are required to be actively involved in the proceedings of the conference, either as an oral or poster presenter. These student scholarships have been made possible thanks to the kind financial support of the South African National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Department of Science and Technology of the Republic of South Africa.

Terms of the Scholarships:
A Full Scholarship will include the payment of all travel and accommodation costs, conference registration fees and basic amenities (food) expenses of the recipient. Additional entertainment and unmentioned costs will not be covered by the scholarship.
A Partial Scholarship will only include the payment of the conference registration fees.
Scholarship Application:
Download the * 6th ICLPRP African Student Scholarship Application Form
Email the application form as an attachment to 6thICLPRP@ie.co.za with the subject line “6th-ICLPRP African Student Scholarship”.
African Student Scholarship Application Deadline: 13 June 2016
Notification of African Student Scholarship Awards: 27 June 2016
Student Scholarships
- African Student Scholarships
Postgraduate (MSc, PhD) students enrolled at any African University are encouraged to apply for a limited number of Full and Partial Student Scholarships to encourage them to participate in the 6th ICLPRP. Recipients of the scholarship are required to be actively involved in the proceedings of the conference, either as an oral or poster presenter. These student scholarships have been made possible thanks to the kind financial support of the South African National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Department of Science and Technology of the Republic of South Africa.

Terms of the Scholarships:
A Full Scholarship will include the payment of all travel and accommodation costs, conference registration fees and basic amenities (food) expenses of the recipient. Additional entertainment and unmentioned costs will not be covered by the scholarship.
A Partial Scholarship will only include the payment of the conference registration fees.
Scholarship Application:
Download the * 6th ICLPRP African Student Scholarship Application Form
Email the application form as an attachment to 6thICLPRP@ie.co.za with the subject line “6th-ICLPRP African Student Scholarship”.
African Student Scholarship Application Deadline: 13 June 2016
Notification of African Student Scholarship Awards: 27 June 2016
- Non-African Student Scholarships