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For Investors and Barclays Employees
Meeting times are listed in Eastern Time (EST).
Dress Code
Dress code for the conference is business casual.
How to Be a Good Virtual Meeting Participant
Some video best practices to consider:
Look and sound your best
- Lighting should come from in front of you or from the side, in order to best light your face
- Keep your background clear of distractions
- Look at your webcam, not at the screen and use gestures and mannerisms that you would typically use in person
- Use a microphone when you speak. Make sure the microphone is on and close enough to pick up your voice, no matter what location you are in
Help everyone focus
- Make sure your screen name is first name last name - company. You can rename yourself during a meeting by right clicking on your picture and selecting rename
- If you aren't talking, mute or turn off your microphone
- Avoid noisy activities like side conversations or typing while your microphone is on
Reduce Distractions
- Sit or stand somewhere with a neutral background (or use a virtual background)
- Make sure your camera is on a steady surface to prevent shaking
- Turn off your camera and mute yourself if you need to take care of business outside of the meeting (ex. someone in-person needs your attention). Turn the camera back on when you are present in the meeting again.
For further information please contact:
Jennifer Gartner
Events, Roadshows & Hospitality