Senderos Online Course
Course Title: Wounded Healers - A Course of Self-Reflection for Pastors

Online Course Description: Inspired by Henri Nouwen’s classic work The Wounded Healer, the purpose of this six-week online course is to facilitate space for self-reflection on the nature and demands of pastoral ministry. We will spend time and space reflecting on the minister’s holistic well-being, including the minister’s spiritual, emotional, and physical health. In addition to various readings, the lives and experiences of this course will be our text, that is, the main source of inspiration for this course.

Online Course Format:  Weekly class meetings will be held using Zoom Technology. The Zoom meeting link will be provided. Participants will need access to an electronic device with a stable internet connection, a webcam, microphone, and speakers.

Dates: Thursdays, February 11 – March 18, 2021, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (USA)



Early Individual Registration (ends January 27, 2021): $75

Standard Individual Registration (begins January 28, 2021): $100

*GROUP REGISTRATION FEES (for one household, with no more than two participants):

Early Group Registration (ends January 27, 2021): $100

Standard Group Registration (begins January 28, 2021): $125

*For a group registration, one person will register for both household members, so that person will need to be prepared to fill in attendee guest information of name, email, etc., for the additional attendee when registering.

Financial assistance may be available. Please contact Theda Wortman.

Registrations will be accepted up until 7 a.m. on the day the course begins. Be sure to register early and save.

Online registration will open in January.

Once course capacity is reached, a waiting list will be started.